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"Close your eyes... have no fear... the monster's gone... he's on the run and your daddy's here... beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy..."♪ I whispered the lullaby that Papai used to sing to me and my brothers as kids.

I felt my eyes welled up with tears as I held my son for the first time. I realized I had no idea how it felt like to be a dad. I mean, I never felt this way about Dan, but I love him like my own kin. But this feeling that I have for Timothy which I never felt before suddenly existed. The feeling was just awesome!

In an instant, I felt like I was sure of my existence. My life suddenly made more sense, and it felt utterly right. I never thought I could be able to feel this way. All of a sudden, I value my life even more. I want to be more careful with my every action. I cannot afford to be reckless with my decisions, because I've got my son to protect. I felt that it was important that I would have to be there in every step of his life.

Then I remembered Tanya. I had to inform her that Timothy was now with me, and he was safe. And the only way I could communicate with Tanya or my family was if I was in the office. Isabella knew ever since we were young that I was a workaholic. She knew that I was focused on our business. Surely, she would not be suspicious of me for wanting to work. She also knew my other brothers were not interested in taking care of our businesses. They would just participate in the business if I require or force them to. Otherwise, they would rather do something else, and so I am obligated and responsible of taking care of our family businesses. I only have to convince Isabella by making her trust me that I won't try to escape her, so I had to go easy.

For days I stayed in the mansion, and agreed with her suggestion that she would just have one of her people to get my workload in the office, and bring it home so we could be together—with the kids. But when I told her that I would need to leave the mansion because I had meetings in the office which I needed to attend, she made sure she would go with me, and bring her flock of body guards, like an entourage, along with Dan and Tim's nannies. The kids would stay in one of the meeting rooms, and Isabella would stay in my office. She would just watch me work, which was bothersome.

I clasped my hands together and rested my arms on the table, as I tried hard to plan my escape with Timothy. I felt pressured because I know Tanya was so worried. I could just imagine the torture she was undergoing now, especially that I couldn't assure her that Timothy was safe and okay. And I was afraid that if she couldn't wait for me to execute my plan, she would do something dangerous, such as try to penetrate this highly guarded mansion, and get herself in serious danger.

Isabella sees Tanya as the only hindrance between me and her. I know that Isabella would want to get her hands on Tanya, and get rid of her.

I just hope that Tanya would not do anything I would fear like coming here.

I sighed once again and ran my fingers through my hair. I stopped trying to finish all the documents that I needed to approve or sign. I just placed my palms on my face. I just couldn't concentrate with my work anymore, nor come up with a good plan. I couldn't think clearly. I was distracted especially when I smelled the perfume of Timothy's new nanny. Ever since she accidentally slapped me on the face, she had always been popping in my head. I blame it on her perfume which reminded me even more of Tanya.

And as I am reminded of Tanya, it was all the more hard to me to pretend to like or even be fake my attraction towards Isabella. I know I have to play along, and lead her to believing that I was all up for it to build a happy family with her. But, I just couldn't fake it especially when I think of what Tanya might feel with my pretend amorous affection for Isabella.

It was also certainly hard for me to pretend 24 hours a day with Isabella, especially that she was trying to seduce me. It was just hard to pretend that Isabella turned me on. She just didn't have an effect on me, the way Tanya would. I just couldn't delete in my head, not even a single moment, that I treat Isabella as a sister--- my own flesh and blood. But, I couldn't show her what an ass or a jerk I could be as I inwardly gagged at the thought of f*cking my own sibling.

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