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Day 3

The constant beeping echoing through white room reminds me that I'm alive. It also reminds me that I'm about to go insane.

The feeling of being calm is long gone, and is replaced with the itching desire to get out of this bed. I feel as if I've truly gone crazy. I'm getting bed sores. I'm alone in this room with my thoughts.. They get so scary I scratch at my scalp to get them out of my head until it bleeds. All of this is my fault, and knowing that is overwhelming.

Oh how bad I wish that my life could have been taken that day if it meant saving Demi and Wilmer.

I keep asking myself this question- How can I live a life without my mom? The answer is that I cannot. It's a fact and could be scientifically proven.

I've got a total of three hours of sleep over the course of three days. During the night all I can think about it loosing Demi. The arrangements. I would go to her funeral, speak if I was forced. That night, I would kill myself. I would do something to make me reunite with my mom once again. If Wilmer survives- I might think about living through it. Maybe. People might think I'm being a tad dramatic, but you try loosing your whole being. If Demi dies, I loose 98.9% of me.

The door made an awful squeaking sound, which meant someone was coming in the room. I saw the nurse walk in, followed by Marissa. I held my breath, waiting for the news they were going to deliver. This happens every time. I get so scared when they first come in here because I'm so terrified they're going to say Demi or Wilmer died.

"Hi, Annie. How are you feeling this morning?" The chirpy nurse asked me.

How did she expect me to answer that? Is she asking about my wounds that hurt nothing compared to what I'm feeling mentally and emotionally?

"I'm fine."

"Would it make you feel better if you could see Wilmer and Demi?" She asked, an even brighter smile spreading across her face.

"Y-yes!" I said, jolting up, sending pain through my concussed head.

"Alrighty." She said, unfolding a wheelchair and coming up beside my bed. "I'm gonna help you."

Marissa stood behind the wheelchair to keep it in place as the nurse helped me swing my legs off of the bed. She lifted from under my arms and gently placed me in the wheelchair.

She walked around to switch places with Marissa. Now the nurse began to push, as Mar walked along side of me with my IV pole in hand.

This is the first time I've gotten out of bed and out of the hotel room. Believe it or not, it's even brighter in the hallway than it is in my room.

"Hold on, I want a picture of the first time coming out of her room." Marissa said, running ahead of us.

I tried to smile, but I couldn't. I just gave my best toothless smile, trying to add the tad bit of excitement I have of leaving my room.

She quickly returned to my side and we began our journey down the hallway.

"Annie, are you sure you want to do this?" Marissa asked.

Is the sky blue?

"Yes, why wouldn't I?"

"I just want you to know that both of them are pretty banged up. Wilmer looks horrible, so just.. Brace yourself."

I held my breath as she opened a door and wheeled me in, but all I saw was an empty bed.

"W-where is he?!" I panicked.

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