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I hate waking up feeling like a science experiment. I have all these wires connected to me in different parts of my body. I have an IV inside my wrist, I have those little circle things on my chest with twelve different wires coming out of my gown, and, yes, my pee is going in a bag.

When I was unconscious they had to do, uh, things down there so my pee went into a bag, because obviously I wasn't gonna just hop up and walk to the bathroom. They just haven't taken it out yet and I am not looking forward to that awkward experience when they do.

I looked over at the other hospital bed beside me and saw Demi was still passed out. I cannot wait until I'm disconnected to all the machinery and im able to cuddle with Demi in my own bed.

The door started to creak open, and immediately I heard the voice I've been waiting for.

"Demi, I picked up some Starbucks but no lunch. I thought we could go get-" Wilmer started, but when he actually walked into the room and saw me staring at him, he completely stopped.

Wilmer looked exhausted, but past the exhaustion, he looked like he could cry. He was completely speechless as if he was looking at a ghost.

"Annie.. You're.. You're awake?" He asked, setting the drinks down on the table beside him.

"Yeah, thanks for getting me my drink, geez." I joked, trying not to cry.

In my dream or unconscious state, when Wilmer got rolled away from me and later found out he died, I never thought this would happen again. I never thought I'd be able to have a conversation, hug him, laugh with him, anything. I'm awake now, and I don't care how much pain i feel, I've never been more grateful.

I opened my arms up as Wilmer jogged over to me, making sure to be extra careful when hugging me.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked.

"No, I did last night." I said, breathing in his scent, touching is soft hair which is usually stiff from all the hair products.

"Why didn't Demi tell me?" He asked, stirring down by my knees on the bed.

"I wanted to surprise you." I smiled.

He smiled too, running his hands over his face. "Well, you did. How are you feeling?"

"My foot and face hurt." I said, glancing down at my boot. Well, it's a cast but it's effin' huge.

"You know how bad your foot is gonna stink when you get it off?" He asked, waving his hand back and fourth in front of his face.

"Shut up." I laughed, even though he's right.

I heard shuffling coming from the left and sure enough, Demi was rubbing her eyeballs, finally waking up.

"Good afternoon, hermosa." Wilmer smiled, looking over at her.

"Afternoon?" She mumbled.

"Yes, afternoon." He laughed, checking his phone just to make sure.

She sat up, smiling, and looking over at us both. "I guess I could finally sleep knowing she's okay."

"Well, maybe that means I'll get sleep tonight, too." He said, patting my leg.

Demi rose from her bed and took a seat beside Wilmer, both of them exchanging glances between each other and myself. If this situation were different, I'd think they're weird, but I understand.

"We survived." Demi said, squeezing my leg and Wilmers hand.

Before any of us could make any commentary, there were knocks on my door and Arizona came in with her cheerful self.

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