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So here's the thing about having a crazy busy celebrity mom- you're eating breakfast with Wilmer one second and then he gets a phone call and then the next second you're on a plane ride to a different country.

Demi got 'scheduled' to stay here another one or two days, so she wanted us to fly out to attend this outdoor party Galla for who knows what. We're going straight to the hotel, changing, and then going straight to the party. But, yeah, Demi and Nick are in the same country. Together. You could say Wilmer is sweating.

Thanks to Wilmer, that medicine he picked up actually worked. No, I didn't have a cold. I probably didn't have a fever. The back of his hand was probably clammy from all the tampon shopping he had to go through.

I'm excited too see my momma because I've gone two days and I haven't gotten to talk to her much. Mostly small talk and she always seemed rushed.

As we came to a land, I could already see the black SUV waiting for our arrival. Hopefully Demi is in there waiting for us. Who am I kidding? She'll be jumping out to hug us both, I can bet on it.

"Nothing like coming to a country and only staying a day." Wilmer said, peering out the window.

"Maybe she'll have to stay a few more days." I suggested, knowing how hectic her schedule could be.

"Who knows, Wednesday we might get a phone call saying there's a plane waiting for us to go to China." He smirked.

I laughed, knowing that's basically how it went down this morning. We were literally eating cereal and then Demi called to tell us to pack as fast as we can because there's a plane waiting.

"And, we land." He said, unbuckling and stretching his arms.

I followed suit, grabbing my crutches and my bag. This boot is such a nuisance. I can't wait until I can get it off.

My adrenaline rushes as I walked down the steps, expecting to see Demi already waiting, but she wasn't. I frowned, but it quickly changed thinking she would be waiting in the car. But when I threw open the door, she wasn't there. My heart dropped. Hm.

"Hey, kid." I heard Max's Australian voice say from behind me.

"Hey, Max." I frowned. "Where's Demi?"

"Back at the hotel getting ready. We should probably hurry, she's on a rather tight schedule."

We threw my crutches and the bags in the back, and slid in the middle row. Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed Demi wasn't waiting for us but I'm sure she tried her best to make it.

As the car took off, I could hear Max explaining how we had to get ready fast for this party thing, but I wasn't paying attention. It's so weird coming from one time zone to the next. It's like falling asleep and missing half of the day.

I must've zoned out a bit, because next thing I knew, Wilmer was shaking me awake. "Hey, we're here."

I glanced out the window to the huge, tall, and beautiful hotel. Wow. I opened the car door as Max led Wilmer and I through a crowd of screaming fans. I don't know why they freak out over us. We're not what they're here to see.

Stepping into the elevator, we went up twelve stories before getting off and walking halfway down a hallway. My heart warmed knowing Demi was on the other half. Just imagining her face seeing us will make my whole day.

Wilmer slid a key card in, and we walked into the abnormally white hotel room to see Demi on the bed, getting her makeup touched up.

"Hey guys." She said. "Annie, you need to hurry up and put something nice on, and do your makeup. Jill can help out a bit if you want."

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