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It was too late.

I heard the car engine start up, but it was too late. I charged down the steps, but it was too late. I ran outside into the midnight air, but it was too late. I called my mom repeatedly, but it was too late. I sat on the bottom step of the staircase and waited for my mothers return when she'll then already know: it was too late.

I should've told Demi about Minka when I found out, but I let my hard head and stubbornness prevent that. I knew exactly where mom was going and what she was doing without thinking twice and it breaks my heart to know how much pain she's going to endure.

I regret being so cold to her over the past few days. I realize she had my best interest at heart and only left to protect me. Maybe if I hadn't of been such a bitch, somehow I could've prevented this.

Through my grogginess, dozing off, and resting my head against the stair railing, I heard the key jiggle into the door. She's home.

"Oh- Annie," Demi looked down, letting her hair fall in front of her face, "I'm sorry, I just- I-"

"I should've told you, I just didn't know how." I stood up, slowly inching towards her.

She looks up, no longer trying to hide the fact she was crying. I felt my heart clench at the sight of her puffy eyes and mascara stained under eyes.

I opened my arms, but she resented. I know it's probably because she knows if she gives in, she'll breakdown. But it still hurt my feelings.

"I'm your mom, you shouldn't have to comfort me in this way," she laughed softly, tossing her keys down beside the shoes she just kicked off.

"You're also my best friend, so it's my job." I replied, keeping my arms open.

"God, I love you so much." She quickly gave in, hugging me back tightly, "but I'm okay. We're okay."

She's the farthest thing from okay, but I know sitting here grieving over the loss of a relationship isn't going to mend things. I guess we pretend okay. Fake it till we make it.

After moments of silence and hugging she said, "You want to put on something in the living room? Scandal? We need to catch up on DVR stuff from tour."

"It's 2 am, are you sure?" Id imagine after traveling the country, she'd want to get a little sleep. But on the other hand, sleep might be harder to get tonight.

"Yeah, who cares. Let's do it."

"Okay, I'll pop you that healthy popcorn stuff while you pick something out?"

"Sounds great."

We parted our ways, her going to the living room and I going to the kitchen. Her health-nut popcorn shit doesn't sound appetizing so I'm not sure what I'll have.

I throw a bag into the microwave, then venture towards the fridge. I open it to only see a water bottle and ketchup. Oh, yeah, we've been gone for a few months. Praying for better results, I open the freezer and see one tub of Ben and Jerrys with a sticky note attached saying, "Marissa's- don't eat it or I'll fucking kill you."

Well... bury me in satin.

"I got it," Demi said, appearing in the kitchen as soon as the beeping went off. "Is there any, like, yogurt in the fridge?"

"Nope, its deserted."

"I should get on that.." she sighed, lightly sprinkling salt over the bowl. I'm exaggerating lightly. She barely put a pinch.. as if a grain of salt is going to make her gain five pounds.

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