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Day 4

One day ago, Wilmer was airlifted to a different hospital to have an emergency surgery sense this hospital wasn't capable of the procedure he needed to survive.

As far as I know, this surgery is such a big one that it's cut into fourths. His first one is over, fortunately, was successful. Its still super super scary knowing that day before yesterday could have been my last conversation with him.

Why did the car wreck have to happen? Why do I have to have both parents taken from me? I need Demi. I need her.

I sighed and sat up, growing familiar to the beeping sound in the hospital room that I'm still fucking admitted in for who knows what.

I scanned across the room, eyeing the flowers and balloons. I want to stomp on the flowers and pop the balloons. I don't want anything cheery. I don't deserve to be happy.

I looked over at Marissa who was sitting in the recliner chair beside me, kicked back and scrolling on her phone.  Her face has been pale sense the first time I looked at her after accident. Her eyes are always puffy, and you can tell she's secretly falling apart inside but trying to keep both of us strong.

On the couch is Dianna with her feet tucked under her, also on her phone. She's probably the worst- besides me- out of all of us. Maybe. Who knows who's hurting the most on the inside.

On the couch, is Madison laying down with headphones in, trying to drown out the world. She is a mess, but who isn't?

Then, there's Dallas at the foot of my bed bedazzling my huge ass cast. Leave it up to her to find a way to use glitter in every situation. Of course, she's torn apart. I know she cries and screams when she's alone, but she feels like she has to be the strong one for all of us.

Knock knock knock.

Dr. Robbins came in, well i basically know her on a personal level now so I call her Arizona, with the familiar chart in her hand.

"Ooh, love the jewels, Dallas!" She smiled, examining my cast.

"Thanks!" Dallas giggled.

Arizona looked around at all of us and said, "I have good news, and I have sorta bad news. Depends on how you look at it."

Madison tugged out her headphones and watched Arizona carefully as if whatever she says is either going to make or brake her.

"Bad news first." Dianna said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Bad news is-" Arizona started, but got interrupted by her pager. "Hold on, I'll be right back." And then she disappeared out of the room.

"Hm." Dallas shrugged, then continued to bedazzle. "Weird."

Bored out of my mind, I thought about things I could do. Usually when I'm bored, I get on my phone. But lately I've been avoiding that because I can't take the pain of seeing Demi's name and face everywhere.

Fighting against my resistance, I grabbed my phone off the table beside and hit the home button to see an overwhelming amount of text messages and notifications.

I held my thumb over the home button to unlock it, then brought up the Twitter app. My last tweet was hours before the accident.. A video of Wilmer doing a front flip off of the diving board. I can't watch it. I can't watch it knowing that he might never be able to do that again. I can't watch it knowing I'll hear Demi's voice in the background.

Instead, I went to Marissa's profile. There are few tweets. The first one from the incident was just saying that everything is okay but to respect our privacy at the time. The next was the picture of me in the wheel chair with Arizona pushing me and she captioned it 'Annie's first wheel chair ride 💗" not something to particularly celebrate. But, hey, these days were desperate for something good to happen.

I went off of her profile and began scrolling through my news need. An unbelievably about of articles and theories of what happened to our family was everywhere. Some have pictures of Dianna, Marissa, Dallas, Madison, and Eddie leaving and going to the hospital. The articles knew we were in an accident, I mean it's no secret. Our car just so happened to be followed by paps that day, plus it was in pieces all over the intersection. Some articles give us random diagnosis. As of this one, I have schizophrenia.

A picture popped up of the accident, fortunately so far no one has any of us in the car or being pulled out or just any in general. In the background of some, you can see the black car.

"You guys know who did this, right?" I asked.

"Did what, sweetie?" Dianna asked.

"The accident. Everyone knows who was in control of it, right?" I asked, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"It's that psycho bitch, Lisa. My biological mother." I said.

Dianna shrugged. "Possibly."

Marissa agreed. "Yeah, you never know."

"Are you serious?" I laughed bitterly. "You guys are all fucking dumb if you don't think so."

"Annabelle-" Marissa sternly started. Annabelle isn't even my real name. She and Demi just decide to call me that when they're pissed off because 'Annie' doesn't suit the situation.

"No, it's okay." Dianna said. "She's had a rough week."

Rough is humongous understatement.

"They better find her because once I'm
out of here, I swear I-"

"Annie." Marissa warned. "Sass level needs decreased."

I don't think my sass level will be doing anything but going up. I'm beyond pissed off, confused, exhausted, and drained. I wish I could just fall asleep and wake up when everything is okay again.

"Oh," Dallas said in deep thought, "Should I put your name in blue jewels on the ankle or down the side?"

"Ankle." I replied.

"Yeah, I'll definitely go down the side." Dallas said. Alrighty then.

"She gets in her own little world when it comes to shiny and glittery things." Madison said, shaking her head.

I agreed and watched how intense this is for Dallas. She's really taking this decision into deep consideration.

Knock knock knock.

Arizona and the chief doctor, Doctor Shepard, walked in and I knew they had bad news. Arizona is always happy, no matter what. This time, her face is pale and she looks like she's about to cry.

My heart dropped, along with my phone. All of my blood drained out, and I felt myself begin to get dizzy.

"Dr. Robbins and I sadly have to deliver tragic news." He said, looking up from the ground.

Fuck. Tragic?! What is happening. I can literally hear my heart thumping in my ear.

Arizona looked straight at me with tears in her eyes. What she told me only took three seconds for my world to come crashing down.

"Wilmer passed away."


All I can say is you're gonna wanna stay tuned till the 5th chapter... Trust me.

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