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Annie's POV

It's been two days sense I accidentally dropped the ring down the drain, but right now, that's the least of my worries. Mother Nature has made an early surprise visit right when Demi has to leave for Stockholm and the U.K.

I'm literally laying on my death bed. Okay, maybe not literally, but it feels like it. I can't take any Midol or Tylenol because it can't mix with my antibiotics for my foot. Usually when I'm on my period, I live off of pain medication. So right now, I'm literally in tears.

"Here, baby." Demi said, kneeling down beside the couch to put a warm washcloth on my forehead. I'm still cold even though I'm draped in as many blankets and pillows that will fit on the couch.

"When do you leave?" I moaned, holding my stomach.

"In a few minutes." She frowned. "Remember, Wilmer will get you anything you ask him for. I'll be one phone call away, and I'll be home day after tomorrow."

"Please don't go." I pleaded, holding onto her arm, making her kneel back down beside the couch. If there's one person I absolutely need when I feel awful- it's Demi. I'm about to cry just thinking of her not being in the same room as me when I don't feel good, let alone a different country.

"Baby, you know if I could stay, I would." I could tell I was making her feel guilty, (and I know this is wrong), but maybe if she starts to feel too guilty she'll stay.

"Wilmer doesn't know what to do. Please don't leave me. Mom, it hurts." I said, feeling sharp pains stab me in the stomach.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, baby. But it will be gone by tomorrow! Just rest, okay? I'll FaceTime you when I land.." As she said this, you could hear Wilmer rolling her suitcases into the foyer. Uhg.

The only other person who could make me feel a little better, besides Demi, is Marissa. Marissa can't come because she's two hours away filming something for her blog and won't be home till tomorrow night.

"Okay." I mumbled, closing my eyes. Seriously this hurts almost as much as when I had to get my stomach pumped. I definitely have a low pain tolerance.

"I gotta go." Demi pouted, bending over and kissing me on the cheek. "I love you, baby girl. If you need anything, I'm a call away, okay? I'll text you when I land."

"Love you too." I said as I watched her rise from the ground and walk out of the room.

Fuck it hurts so damn bad. Wilmer has no idea what to do so basically I'm helpless. One time when Demi was on her period she left a pad on the counter, it was still in its wrapper and stuff, and Wilmer opened it because he didn't know what it was. He then walked downstairs and asked Demi where she found a super sized bandaid. He was truly amazed. Unfortunately, we ended his amazement to pure disgust explaining that it was not a bandaid, and rather something that soaks up blood.

"Do you need anything?" I heard Wilmer ask, walking into the living room.

"For the pain to go away." I mumbled, moving in a different position to see if the pain would go away. No such luck.

"How's your foot?"

"I'd rather shatter my foot three more times than have these cramps."

"Don't say that because knowing you it will happen." True.

I wonder if I should tell him about the ring. Maybe this is a bad time. If I tell him, he might walk away from me completely and leave me hanging to take care of these monster cramps on my own. Yeah, I'll wait for Marissa to tell him.

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