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Your natural instinct is to go with your first instinct. For example: when someone says don't look, you look. When someone says don't squeeze it, you squeeze it. So, when Demi said don't go all FBI on this Lisa stuff, I did.

I'm sitting on the hotel bed, while Demi is in the shower, just researching as much as I can. More of the "rehab" Lisa supposedly checked into and how DNA tests works. Im just looking as much as I can until Marissa arrives with the papers which will hopefully answer everything I'm questioning.

Yesterday evening was a miracle. Demi didnt question why I freaked out when Max threw me in as much as I thought she would. I covered it up with my period story, but that doesn't explain why I basically hyperventilated. Oh well. She didn't find the cut, so I'm good. It was a dumb idea, nothing serious, so what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

"Annie," Demi called, walking out of the bathroom, "You need to straighten your hair now if you're going to get it done before we leave."

"Okay," I said, hopping off the bed and grabbing the straightener out of Demi's bag.

I intensively watched One Tree Hill while straightening my hair. I'm re-watching it all over again and right now I'm at the part where Sam is thinking about moving back in with her birth mother.

"Bad episode, skip it, don't watch." Demi said, walking in to grab her brush.

I rolled my eyes, "It's a good episode."

"It's sad as fuck and I absolutely hate it." She said, giving me a huge hug from behind. "Soft spot for things like that, you know."

I smiled sadly. It reminds her of me. "I know."

She gave me a kiss on the temple before leaving the bathroom to go do whatever Demi does.

One of the cons of having thick hair- it takes forever and a day to straighten your hair. My arm is about to fall off by the time I'm finally done.

Sighing, I unplugged the straightener, wrapped it up, and started to walk back in the room.

I saw Demi standing with her arms crossed in front of my bed. Natural instinct is to go with your first instinct and my first instinct is to run.

Before I could budge, Demi ripped into me. Hard.

"What the fuck is this, Annie?" Demi asked, holding up my computer with countless tabs of research.

"I was just curious," I shrugged, beginning to profusely sweat. It's definitely not a good place to be in when Demi's mad.

"You promised me no FBI research shit and what did you do? Exactly what I told you not to!" She fumed, "I said you could look at the papers and that was pushing it! No- nope, you're not seeing them now. Stop putting your nose where it doesn't belong!"

"It does belong there! It is my business, it's my mom!" I said, throwing the straightener in her bag.

"No! No- that's not your mom! I am your mom!" Demi's face was dark red now.

"I didn't mean it like that," I said, "You know what I meant. I'm sorry, okay? I don't understand why you're freaking out."

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