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You know when you're almost asleep- as in your eyes are heavier than ten bricks, you feel your body relax- and then all of a sudden it feels like you're falling and you jump five feet in the air? That's what just happened to me.

When I wake, my heart is racing and I'm on hot sand. I hear the waves crashing and I look over to see Demi and Annie looking at me like I'm the dumbest thing ever.

"Are you okay?" Demi laughed.

Wait. It was a dream. Demi didn't say no to marrying me, because I never asked. We didn't eat dinosaur chicken nuggets or Chinese takeout. I'm still on the beach.

"Yeah, sorry, bad dream, I guess." I laughed along as my heart rate slowed to a steady pace.

Suddenly, I knew something was wrong. Annie was literally shaking and Demi had her arms wrapped protectively around her. Well.. I thought they went out there to talk about their argument but it looks like something else happened.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Annie had a little scare with the waves, but it's okay now. Right?"

Annie nodded, laying her head on Demi's shoulder. I shuffled over so I was right beside them, and wrapped my arms around Demi's waist.

"Guys, the sunset." I heard Marissa say, dropping water bottles off in front of us and plopping down on the other side of Demi.

"It's beautiful." I said. Just like my girls.

I watched the sun start to set, and I couldn't help but feel at ease with everything in my life right now. I have my soulmate, daughter, and basically sister with me and everything is okay.


warning: time jump (few days)

"Buddy, pause. Stop. Look at me." I said, attempting to get a snapchat picture of my dog, cuddled up in my white covers.

But, Buddy being Buddy, he wouldn't sit still. He's like an energizer bunny. It's way too early for this.

"Okay.. At lease cuddle with me." I suggested, wrapping him in my arms, only for him to squirm out and jump off my bed.

"Buddy, no." I whined. "Come back."

'Come back' must've sounded a lot like 'go' because he's taking off towards the door just as Demi walked in. She's cheesing mischievously. Somethings up.

"Good morning, baby girl!" She smiled, yanking the curtains over. "Rise and shine.."

"Morning, mom." I sighed, lifting up so my elbows are supporting my weight. "What's up?"

"Well.." She said, sitting at the end of my bed. "Tim Poplar just called."

"And? Who's that?"

"He's the varsity softball coach for the high school. He's short a few players and you're allowed to play sense you're taking online classes through that school."


"And.. He wants you to be there in an hour and practice with them. He wants you on the team. He was a travel coach against some of the teams you played the last few years."

"Oh." I shrugged, laying back down and grabbing my phone off the charger. "Did you tell him I'm not interested in playing?"

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