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Hours have gone by since we found out Wilmer wasn't my biological father. Faking my happiness was the hardest part and it sucks it took me this long to realize how badly I wanted that test to be positive.

I was pissed that he didn't come get me out of that hell hole of an adoption center. I wasn't pissed he was my dad. I felt like I was finally a step closer to a normal family.

My problem is I tend to overreact situations and I don't realize how bad I actually want something until it's too late. I seriously do that with everything. Fuck. When he said it was negative, my heart fell to my feet but I had to pretend like it didn't faze me. I had to say okay, and run up to my room, stare at a ceiling and wonder why things don't work out.

"Annie Marie!" I heard Demi yell, storming up the stairs. Oh no. Whatever I did wrong, i'm sure I wont hear the end of it.

My door swung open and sure enough an angry Demi appeared. "I just checked your grades... a D- in Chemistry?! Really?"

Oh fuck. I totally forgot about that.. Who knew she actually checked my grades still? "Mom.. i'll fix it."

She scoffed. "Grading period is almost over. It's either grounded for a month, tutor, or public school."

"Mom!" I groaned. "Please just give me some time. I promise i'll bring it up!"

"You should've came to me a long time ago. You're failing tests and not turning in homework. Is online schooling not for you?" Demi asked, crossing her arms. "You're usually a straight A student."

The truth is, Chemistry is hard. It's super difficult... But it's even more difficult when you don't do the work. Usually school subjects come naturally for me, but chemistry does not. If I actually did my homework, I'd be getting an A. But I'm definitely not getting grounded or getting a tutor or going to public school.

"Just give me one more chance!" I begged, thinking of anything I could say to make her change her mind.

"No." She demanded. "Pick one of the three. Now."

I rolled my eyes, ready to chuck a pillow at her face. "Tutor."

"Great." She fake smiled, puling her phone out of her back pocket. "I'll call now."

"I swear you wake up every morning just to ruin my life." I whined, clenching my fists. I wish she would just leave me alone.

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes. "You have it so rough."

I waited until she walked out of my room to sink my face into a pillow and scream into it. I don't want a fucking tutor. I don't want to think about school or the future. I mean I have all A's and one D-.. that can't hurt too bad, right? Whatever. I'm pissed and exhausted from a full day of being handcuffed to Wilmer. I'm going to bed.


"Annie.. Annie, wake up." I heard Demi repeat whilst shaking my body back and fourth.

"What?" I mumbled, trying to open up my tired eyes. I finally pried them open and saw the alarm clock read almost 9. You have got to be fucking kidding me. "What is so important that you wake me up at 8:45 on winter break?!"

"Your first day of tutoring.. " Demi said. "Come on, get up."

"You're fucking kidding me!" I snapped, pulling the covers over my head. "Tutoring on break? Have you lost your mind?"

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