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Demi's POV

The house is eerily quiet. I'm left with the sound of my own thoughts, swirling around in my mind. My head is a scary place right now and I don't want to be in it anymore.

Wilmer should be walking through the door any minute. I hope he has the explanation of his life, but I have a feeling he won't. I'll be torn down and have to rebuild myself all over again.

As for Annie, she's at Madison's while Jacob has his acting class with Dallas. I thought she was pissed off at me because she said she couldn't stand me earlier, but when she left she hugged me and promised everything would be okay.

I hope she's right.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open as well as foot steps approaching quickly. I can literally hear my heart thump in my ears.

"Demi.." Wilmer's voice made my heart rate quick up but stop all together at the same time.

I looked up to see a bouquet of flowers in one hand with a few papers in the other. My heart melted to my feet, but I needed to stand my ground. But he's so adorable..

"The reason I was with Lisa is because of this..." He said, laying down papers.

I picked it up with shaking hands, and without saying a word, I gazed over them. Rehab acceptance letter, pictures of Annie when she was a tiny baby, a note from Lisa, and one more paper. Before I looked at the other paper, I read the note.

"Wilmer & Demi,

I'm sorry for all the traumatic events that I've caused. I want you to know that I'm seeking rehab in a beautiful center, where I will continue to grow as a person.

There's only one thing I want from both of you- is to take care of Annie. I will never ask to see or visit with her again, just please make sure she feels loved at all times. Tell her she's beautiful when she's crying. And push her to be a better person everyday. I look forward to maybe someday seeing her one last time.


I set the note down, not even fazed. I love Annie more in this moment than Lisa could
do in a life time. I moved onto the next paper. It was a positive DNA test with Wilmer's name on it.

"What is this?" I shockingly asked Wilmer holding it up.

"It's positive." He said, smiling. "I'm Annie's real dad."

So many emotions came over me at once. Is this really happening? I- I can't believe it. When.. What... I'm confused.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I guess this is better than never." He said, then admitted, "I did lie to you. I thought it would be better to not share it because I thought it would just make things worse and I'm so so so sorry."

I'm upset that he lied to me, but he was only trying to strengthen him and Annie's relationship, and I completely understand that.

Wilmer is Annie's biological father. My boyfriend is my daughters dad. We really are a family. It's so surreal, but it's happening.

"It's okay, really." I said, giving him a huge hug. "But don't ever lie to me again, okay?"

"I promise, baby. I love you." He said, pulling away and leaving a tender kiss upon my lips.

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