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The worst feeling is having everything you need fall apart at your fingertips. One persons mistake can ruin everything; everyone. While Wilmer is with Lisa, I have to brake the news to my mom. I have to watch her fall to her knees. I have to watch her scream into the wind and ask God why. I have to watch her fall apart. I have to collect the pieces.

I had collected my thoughts and went over what I was going to say over and over in my head. My wobbly legs carried me through the house. I remember thinking little does she know, these are her last few moments before her world turns upside down.

But, as I walked into the living room and watched her face light up asking how my date went and how she has our favorite move ready to play, I didn't have the heart to break it to her. One more night couldn't hurt.

"It's freezing." Demi shivered, pulling my covers on my bed up to her chin. Wilmer isn't coming home because he's going to be "filming all night hours away" and is staying in a hotel. Bastard better get used to staying in a hotel.

"If it was just me and you, we would make it by just fine, right?" I asked. "If you hadn't ever met Wilmer and it was just us, we would be more than alright."

"Of course. As long as I have you by my side, I can conquer anything. I could have the whole world on my side, but it wouldn't matter if I didn't have you." My momma told me. "Why do you ask?"

"It's more of a statement than a question. I just think it's very refreshing to know everything I need is my mom." I said, getting cozy into her side.

I wish everyone could experience the bound I have with my mom, with theirs. Maybe it's because we're so close in age, or maybe it's our personalities, but either way it means the world to me. I wish I could explain our relationship, but I can't. Demi means everything and more to me. I mean, what fourteen year old still snuggles and sits on their moms lap? I do. I don't care if I'm seventy years old, I'll still get that same treatment and I'm totally okay with that.

"Annie?" Demi asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah?" I asked, staring up at my ceiling.

"If you have sex, you'll tell me right?" She asked.

"What?!" I busted out laughing, totally not expecting that question.

"I'm just asking!" She said, giggling a little but being completely serious.

"Yeah, sure, I'll tell you." I laughed a little more. "It won't happen anytime soon, though."

"It sure as hell won't happen any time soon, fool!" She said, almost pushing me off my bed. "Shit. I don't know if I'd kill you or Jacob first."

"Okay, okay, I'm done talking about this." I giggled, covering my ears with my hands.

Demi laughed along with me, but it soon turned into a yawn. "I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep. I love you. Cuddle with me I'm cold."

I shivered a little and cuddled into her side. Instant comfort. "I love you, goodnight."

This could be the last normal night we have in a very long time.

Here, laying in silence is two bodies. One body is filled to the rim with guilt, sadness, and worry for what the future holds. One body is content, happy, and clueless. Demi is the glue that holds our family together, but now the glue is dried up and soon will be crumbling.. Unlatching what was once held together.


Some say you wake up when you have a bad dream. Some say you wake up when your body is fully rested. Some say it's your conscience trying to tell you something.

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