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Demi's POV

Waking up usually comes as a challenge, considering I'm on the go and exhausted most of the time. But, not today. For the first time in, like, two weeks I'm able to sleep in and it feels so good. I don't even mind the blinding sun sneaking in through the curtains.

As my eyes adjusted to the blurriness without my glasses, I spotted a note laying beside my phone. I reached out and retrieved the thin paper, and read along the lines.


I left for work early today and I have to film afterwards. Don't wait up for me and text or call when you read this.

PS- Annie crawled in the middle of us this morning. Does that mean she kind of forgives me?? Of course it does.

PPS- Don't forget about her doctors appointment today. I set an alarm on your phone for you.. just in case.

I love you both


I wanted to be mad because he's been escaping to a bunch of meetings lately, but I love him and can't. After reading it once more, I smiled a little to myself, and set the note back down. Thank the lord he remembered Annie's appointment because I sure as hell didn't. He's like half my brain and-

"Don't leave me in Massachusetts." Annie sadly mumbled from beside me.

"What?" I asked, rolling over to face her. Why the hell is she talking about Massachusetts?

She was laying, spread out across the bed with her eyes closed and drool spilling out of the corner of her mouth. Typical. I giggled a little, and started to think of something I could say to keep her talking. She used to talk in her sleep all the time when she was little but she hasn't done it in forever.

"Annie, we're not in Massachusetts." I laughed a little, propping myself up on my elbow.

"No I said.." She slurred, throwing her arms around. "I gotta take massive shits."

WHAT? With that, I busted out laughing. It was only mere of seconds before tears were running down my face and I had to clutch my stomach. How did she come up with that in her sleep? I cannot stop laughing. I wish I would have gotten that on video.

I wiped my face clean with the back of my hand and giggled a little more. Why am I always the only one to hear her talk in her sleep?


I grabbed my phone as the doctor appointment reminder popped up, saying it starts in an hour. We should probably get a move on.

I grabbed Annie's shoulders a shook her a bit. "Annie, wake up."

"Mhm?" She mumbled, stretching out.

"We have to leave in ten minutes for your appointment." I smiled, squeezing her cheeks. "Be down in five, okay?"

"Five minutes?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. "I can't do that."

"Just throw on some sweats, okay?" I tried reasoning with her, sliding out of bed myself. "Go brush your teeth and get ready."

Okay, I don't think I'll be able to get dressed in five minutes, either.

So, twenty minutes later we're finally in the car fully clothed and ready to take on the day. Five minutes turned into ten, then ten turned to fifteen.. Yeah, maybe we'll only an hour late.

"Oh shit." Annie sighed, grabbing her phone. "I was supposed to hangout with Jacob when I woke up."

"No." I whined, "Hangout with me today. You're with him all the time."

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