Chapter 1

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Karina's POV

"Sweety wake up it's time for school!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"What...huh... mmhm..?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"It's time to wake up it's friday last day of the week also the last day of school." My mom explained as she got ready for work.

"Ok I'll be down in a minute." I said.

I got up, made my bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth and picked my outfit I wore a black crop top that said "Love" in white and and ripped denim jean shorts and went to the bathroom to do my hair.

 I curled my brown silky hair and applied my natural makeup look which included some mascara, eyeliner and some foundation and nude eyeshadow. I put on my white converse and went downstairs.

I saw mom heading to work and my brother Kyle sitting eating breakfast. I was so confused because she told me yesterday she was going to drive me to school today.

"Hey mom, aren't you driving me to school?" I asked confusingly.

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry I have too much work maybe another time, I promise I will make it up to you." she said in a motherly voice.

"Great, mom's off to work and school is pretty far." I said to myself.

 It was 6:55 and school starts at 7:30 so I grabbed a granola bar and got my bag and headed to school.

I said bye to my younger brother who was 15 and he was eating so he didn't answer me.

***At School***

"Miss Braun your late again, what happend? did you party with Bieber?" Mr.Smith chuckled.

"Sorry sir my mom forgot to drive me, it won't happen again I promise, and no I did not party with Bieber." I said. 

"Very well, take your seat, we will begin our geography lesson." Mr.Smith stated.

While the teacher talked and talked I started to fall asleep but the school bell interrupted me. Thank god it did cause I was not going to sit there while listening to Mr.Smith and his geography.

After it was last period I went to my locker to put my books away before heading home but something stopped me, it was Jack the leader of the lacrosse team at school.

"Hey can I get some money?" he said.

He said that because my dad mails me and my brother cash every month and I have to admit I was lucky and everyone knew that my parents are rich and so am I so people keep on asking me for money and even Mr.Smith my geography teacher asks me too lol.

"So can I or not?" he asked again.

"Ugh..fine." I said annoyed.

"Here." I gave him a 100$ bill since that all I had on 100's kinda cheesy.

"Thanks baby." he said looking at the 100$ bill and walking away.

After that I went home to see my mom and brother sitting in the living room staring at me as I walk in, they had a sad look on their faces.

"what did I just walk into?" I said curiously.

"Come on Karina we need to have a talk." my mom said sadly.

"Ok what happened?" I asked.

"well me and your father think that you should live with him and not me because I can't take care of you both so your dad said it would be best for you to go to California and live with him." he said as a tear escaped from her eyes and Kyle's.

"what?, how about Kyle? Isn't he coming with me?" I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Sweety your father said he could take only one of you and we agreed on you not Kyle, since you already graduated and soon heading of to college if you want to go, I'm not saying you have to." she said depressed.

"why, why do I have to go, I'm not saying that I don't want to see my dad it's just I wish I could stay here." I said.

"Honey me and Kyle are upset too but in California there is a better college and career choice for you and since you could sing and you have the perfect body to model." she said.

"Ok I will go, I guess I have no choice." I said sadly.

"Your flight is tonight at 8:00pm so go start packing." she said orderly.

I went upstairs and started packing everything. As I was packing something came to my head. 

"What if I see that damn Bieber kid?" I said worrying and since he lives with dad, I have to live with him under the same roof.

"Ughh... why is life so hard..?" I groaned to myself.

It was almost 7:00 so I decided I would just wear the things I have on now on the plane. The plane was a private plane that my dad sent for me. I feel like a famous person to sit in a private plane but I kinda am but not that much since I'm Scooter Braun's daughter and he manages that Bieber kid.

"Honey come on it's almost 7:00 and it take an hour to get to the airport, were going to be late!" my mom yelled from downstairs. 

We got in the car and we drove to the Airport....

Hey Guys, Sorry for a pretty short chapter  I will write more sorry you guys for leaving you on a cliffhanger lol. Bye i Hoped you enjoyed chapter 1.

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