Chapter 23

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~2 days later~

Karina's POV*

We were on our way to the airport as we left mom's house. I said goodbye to them I was crying as well as them. Jackson didn't want to leave either he was having so much fun with grandma and uncle Kyle. I didn't want to leave because they're my family real family and my dad. I was also exited because I got to see Sophie and dad and Mom. 

*** BACK HOME***

~Justin's POV~

I had a surprise planned for Karina. Tonight was going to be an unforgettable moment in her and my life. I was going to propose to her, the love of my life, my world, my beautiful baby. I knew it was time because I was ready, I mean we have a child together and we love each other even though we haven't spoken to each other in the 5 worst years of my life. But tonight I will have her dress fancy and we will go to a fancy restaurant and I will propose there. I was so nervous for tonight, I hope everything will go well. I already brought a engagement ring for her. Scooter knows already and so does her Mom (Jessica) they agree it was time. 

~Karina's POV~ 

We were home really tired from our trip, jet lagged and everything. Ugh I just want to go sleep but Justin asked me on a date tonight at 7:00pm and he said to dress really fancy like a long dress type f something. Now it was almost six so I went to go get ready, Justin was almost finished getting ready, he was probably downstairs waiting for me. I wore a long black dress with tan sides and with diamonds on the shoulder blades. I wore my ankle locked high heels that show toes. My clutch mini purse and I curled my hair in loose beachy waves. I put on my diamond earrings that match my dress. And I was ready. 

I walked down the stairs to see Justin with his mouth wide open like he'd never seen me in a dress before. "You look...incredibly elegant..your the most elegant princess in the world." he said checking me out and smirking. "Thank you babe you look great tool with that suit." I said checking him out too. "I'm so glad I have you in my life." he said grabbing me around my waist and leading me to the huge front door to see a limo parked there right in front of the house. "So where are we going?" I asked hoping he will answer. "All you can know is that it's a restaurant and it's really fancy thats all." he said. "Why are you taking me there all of a sudden?" 

"Because I haven't taken my girlfriend out to dinner in a while and there's something else...." he said smirking as we sat inside the limo. 

"Well what is it?" I said. "Thats a surprise!" he said chuckling. 

"Ugh! You know I don't like surprises." I said with my arms crossed.

"Babe, just trust me you won't forget tonight, I promise you." he said.

I wonder what he has planned. He and his surprises. All the way to the restaurant I was thinking what Justin has planned and what he meant by 'you won't forget tonight, I promise you' ugh I just want to know.

We arrived at the restaurant and Justin went out first and helped me out of the limo. We entered the restaurant and it was a beautiful one but it was super fancy. "Reservations for Bieber please." Justin said. "Right this way." the server said leading us to a table and giving us the menu's. He went away for us to order. 

"What do you want babe?" Justin asked. 

"Steak with a salad on the side." I said. "what would you like to order?" the waiter said as he came up to our table that was a little farther than the others.

"We will have 2 steak meals please." Justin said as ordered for us. "Anything to drink?" he asked again.

"Water will be fine." I said as Justin nodded.

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