Chapter 30

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I was was woken up at 10:00pm by my phone ringing. It was Justin. I decided to answer just to explain why I left.

~Phone Convo~

J: Where are you and where are our kids?

Me: I left Justin...I can't do this anymore.

J: Do what? 'his voice was cracking up

Me: Well almost every night you come home late and leave me with the kids all day by myself and once you came home in the morning god knows where u were!  'I yelled' and I'm sick of all the arguments we have all the time Justin! I can't I'm done. 

J: Karina I'm sorry! I have been a jerk. But I want to see my kids and you!

Me: Justin no! I need a break to think things out and to see if you actually care about me. Sometimes I think if you even wanted this marriage. We can split the kids each week. One week you have the kids and one week I have the kids. Deal?

J: Of course I wanted this marriage, Babe I'm sorry I have been acting like this. I'll give you time to think. Ok we can split the kids but does that mean were getting divorced?

Me: Not really, I just need you to change and I need time to think.

J: ok fine, I love you. -Then I hung up not wanting to hear from him-

End of Phone Convo~

It was 10:00pm wow late. I was so fucking tired I collapsed on the bed and went to sleep in one of Hailey's other guest bedrooms.

~Next Morning~

I woke up to Emma crying. I went to her room and fed her, changed her diaper and changed her into a outfit. 

"Morning? You don't look so good" Hailey said walking into Emma's room. 

"Well i'm not I haven't had any sleep last night since Justin called." I said. "Why? What happened?" Hailey asked taking Emma away from me.

"Well he asked me where I was and where the kids were but I said I needed a break so we split the kids each week. He freaked out but he's gonna give me space." I said putting my head in my hands. 

"Don't worry, you can't be under stress, it's bad for you." Hails said.

"It's hard." I said.

"Wanna go out somewhere today as a girls day with Emma since Jackson is going to school?" Hailey asked smiling.

"Sure, I gotta wake up Jackson for school, thanks for reminding me." I said walking into Jackson's room.

~30 minutes later~

Hails and I dropped Jackson off at school and headed to some stores to shop at. There was so many paparazzi's around us, some from me and Hailey since she was also a model. 

We heard some say that we divorced and someone say that me and Justin split and all that other shit. I was pissed to be honest since me and Justin are not divorcing and only took a break.

"Come on Karina." Hails said hurting me up as our body guards led us to the shopping building. I was pushing the stroller as Hailey was carrying her bag as I carried my chanel bag on my shoulder. 

"You ok?" Hails asked. "Yeah i'm fine." I said plainly with no emotion. Emma's stroller was white and black, it was from Aston Martin. 

We were shopping for a hour. Emma started crying for no reason. I picked her up from the stroller as I waited for Hailey to finish trying on her clothes. Emma wouldn't stop crying.

"'s ok baby..shhhh." I cooed to her. I tried everything, feeding her bottle and I changed her diaper. Wait! I got it! She needed a nap. 

Whenever she goes for a nap of when she sleeps I always breastfeed her still cuz she won't go to sleep if she is bottle fed, so I have to breastfeed her. 

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now