Chapter 18

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*5 years later*

I was on my way to pick up my son Jackson from his kindergarten class. 

I walked into the class. 

"Hello Miss Braun!" Mr Henderson the teacher said.

"Hi just Karina is fine."

"Well can I have a word with you?"


"You see tomorrow is parent day which means both parents have to attend and talk about their jobs and just life in general. And I know Jackson talks about his father a lot so I would like both parents to attend."

"Well you see Jackson hasn't really met his father Justin Bieber. But he has seen pictures of him that his classmates show him. And I haven't spoken to Justin in 5 years. So I don't know."

"Oh that explains why he only draws you, grandpa, ad grandma on family pictures. Anyways can you please make contact with him and try to bring him in?"

 "I'll try"

"Thank you!" he said.

"Mommy! Mommy! guess what I did today?" Jackson said as he ran to my arms.

"Hi baby what did you do!" 

"I made you a paper hat!" he said while putting it on my head.

I chuckled. "Wow it's so cool."

"Thank you."

"OK come on Jackson let's go to grandpa's house!" 

"Yay!"he cheered. 

I was going to try to talk to dad about this. 

I drove for 15 minutes. I knew his gate password and opened the door. And guess who I saw Justin was in the middle of eating a sandwich. 

"Daddy! Daddy!" Jackson said as he ran and hugged Justin's legs. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do so I just went to the living room. I was on my phone. Just then, Justin carried Jackson and sat him on my lap without a single word. 

Justin started to walk away. "daddy! daddy don't go! Don't leave me daddy!" Jackson began to run but he was late when Justin shut the door leaving Jackson sitting in front of the door heartbroken. 

"shhh! It's ok" I said as I carried him back to find my dad.

"No mommy! It's not ok everybody in my class say I'm stupid that I don't have a daddy!" As I herd that I regret everything because nobody wants their child to be picked on at school.

I went looking everywhere. I went upstairs and saw him in his office. 

"Hey Dad!" I said.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" 

"Uhh I wanted to talk to you about Justin." 

"Jackson go play with Sophie." 

"Ok" he answered.

"Hey dad you know tomorrow at school it's parents day and the teacher suggested both parents to go and I'm scared to ask Justin. Also kids at school say Jackson is stupid because he doesn't have a dad, he gets picked on, I don't want to see Jackson hurt." Tears were running down my cheeks.

"aww Princess it's ok just go talk to him it will be alright." Dad hugged me.

"Ok I'll try. Besides where's mom?" 

"She went to have a girls day with Pattie since she has been taking care of Sophia all day lately. so now I'm taking care of her."

"Oh wait...where does Justin live?"

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now