Chapter 21

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*Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this part. The story is almost finished. it will have around 21-25 parts. I know it's short but like I said this is my first story that I have written on Wattled. 

I'm a huge fan of Justin I have been a fan since 2009. He's my world. I'm not trying to offend Selena or the other characters in this book, I love them all. the next book I will start after I finish this one. 

It will have the same idea- which is Scooter braun's daughter but I am happy I get to do another book because this one was getting old. Byeeee!*


It was currently raining outside. It was dark and there was lightning and thunder. Justin was nowhere to be found. it was currently 7:55pm. I went to go check up on Jackson. I opened his door to see Justin laying right beside him, they were cuddling and sleeping. "Awww." I whispered, probably too loudly that Justin woke up.

"Hey baby, Jackson was crying and I came in and we fell asleep." he said with a morning voice.

"aww my two boys." I said cooing. 

"I love you." he said.

"I-I love you t-too." I stuttered, 'SHIT' I thought.

"I'm hungry." Justin said.

"Me too." I said walking downstairs with Justin behind me. Do you want spaghetti, I made earlier today?" I asked taking it out of the fridge. 

"Yessss!" Justin cheered like a little baby. I chuckled and heated the food for me and him. Justin sat down on one of the bar stools. "Your house is huge and really nice, nicer than mine." He said looking around.

"Haha Thanks Dad picked it out. I like the high ceilings and it's roomy." I said.

"don't you think it's too big for you and Jackson?" he asked.

"Nope." I said. "And it's not only mine and Jackson's it yours too." I smiled.

"I love you so much." Justin said as he got up and wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned in. 'Beep 'Beep'. We got interrupted by the microwave. "Ugh." Justin groaned slightly. 

I opened the microwave taking out the 2 plates of spaghetti. we started to eat. "This is really good, baby." Justin said while eating. "Justin first swallow the food and then talk I don't want you to choke!" I said chuckling. 

~10 minutes later~

"I'm bored, Jackson's sleeping what do we do?" I said annoyed while plopping down o the couch. 

"We can make another baby, I really want wanna Karina, like really really want one, please baby please."

"Justin I don't know. I need to think about it I will let you know. I want one too." I smiled slightly.

"I love you so much." Justin said.

"I love you too." I said as we leaned in and shared a unforgettable kiss. We haven't kissed in 5 years. 

"Lets go watch a movie or a TV show and cuddle." Justin said grabbing my hand and leading me into one of our theatre rooms, We sat down on the white leather couch convertible thing and Justin went to go pick what TV show or movie we would watch. "What do you want to watch?" he asked. 

"Uhhh how about the TV show 'Scandal' I herd it was good." 

"That's my favorite TV show!" Justin said while putting it on. He then, played down next to me and I snuggled up into his chest. I loved his smell and touch whenever  I was near him; his face and his body was so perfect. 

He then wrapped his hand around my waist. "Baby why are you so god damn skinny?" he asked. Well I was skinny, after I gave birth to Jackson I gained a couple pounds and then I started modeling again so now I look better than ever. "Well you see, before I had Jackson I was skinny, then when I had Jackson I gained a couple pounds, and now I go to the Gym every week because as you already know I model and I have my own clothing line." I said with a Duh tone.

"You have the most sexiest body I've ever seen on a girl." he said with a smirk.

"Aww Thanks babe." I said while kissing his cheek. 

"well I have my world in my arms, I couldn't be happier." he said.

"babe all I need is you and Jackson and my parents." I said.

"Wait...speaking about parents how's your real mom and your brother Kyle?" he asked. I kinda felt bad I haven't spoke to them since Sophie was born. 

"Justin...I haven't spoken to neither of them since Sophie was born." I said looking down as a tear fell down my cheek, Justin saw it and caught it.

"baby it's not your fault they should've called. Do you want to see them?" Justin asked. I never really thought about coming to see them. Maybe I should.

"I'm not sure, wait...maybe I should, I feel bad." I said.

"Ok me you and Jackson can fly out there tomorrow at night, let me just make a phone call to tell Scooter about our plans." he said getting up and taking out his phone out of his basketball shorts.

Justin went out of the theater. I didn't want to be eavesdropping so I just stayed where I was and just watched the TV show. 

~5 minutes later~

"Hey baby, scooter is alright with us leaving tomorrow. The flight is at 6:45pm. We can stay there for a couple of days." Justin said coming in and laying down next to me.

"Ok should we tell them we're coming?" I asked.

"No let it be a surprise." he said kissing my temple.

"Ok." I said plainly.

"Hey we should get to bed I'm hella tired." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to our bedroom.

I didn't say anything. I was tired too and just plopped down on the bed followed by Justin. 

Justin took of his clothes leaving him only in boxers. "I haven't see your body in a while." he said looking at me taking off my clothes because It was hot in the room so I slept in my red laced bra and matching panties. "Hey I'm hot!" I said while fanning myself.

Justin just chuckled and crawled into bed with me. 

"Night baby." he said while putting his hand right on my right boob. I let it slide because thats Justin he takes every chance to get to me.

"Night." I say.

And we all fell asleep.

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