Chapter 11

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Karina's POV*

I was walking to Justin's front door. I was so worried and nervous, all of the emotions were roaming in my head like I was about to faint. I knocked at the door, hopefully Justin would't open it, I haven't seen him since the Starbucks visit, which ended when he called me a bitch. Someone was unlocking the door. Suddenly, the door flew open and there was........Justin. He looked like he didn't sleep in weeks. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was messy, he was wearing baggy clothes. I actually felt bad. We stood there for about 2 minutes in silence looking at each other.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure" he mumbled without making eye contact.

I came in to a song playing in his home studio. I walked to the sound seeing Dad and Mom(Jessica).

"Dad!" I yelled as I ran towards him.

"Princess! I missed you!" 

"I missed  you too!" 

After we greeted each other Justin came in sitting on the couch.

"Congratulations!!" I said hugging them both again.

I felt Justin stare at me.

"Thank you!" mom and dad said.

I felt I was in trouble when they started to look at each other like should we tell her or not faces. "Well me and your mom have 2 announcements to make for our closest family members(which was me and Justin) The first announcement is that Jessica's PREGNANT!!" he said.

I was shocked but really happy because me and my brother Kyle and my real mom won't be seeing each other till probably christmas or next year so I won't be alone. 

"OMG really YAY! Congrats!" I yelled as I flew into Jessica's arms.

"Thank you Sweetie!" she said.

"How far are you?" I asked.

"3 months, You can kinda tell" she said as pointing to her slightly curved belly.

"Omg wow!" I said.

"Is it a girl or boy?" I asked again. 

"Girl!" Jessica said as we both smiled.

"Yay!" I said while urging her for like the 3rd time.

Then I saw Justin hugging my dad and Jessica, but he wasn't making eye contact with me whatsoever. I'm kinda glad he didn't. 

"The second announcement is that Justin's new music video "What do you Mean" will be made in 2 days and Karina your the girl that plays in the music video." dad said. As he said that my smile turned into a are you serious face. 

"WHAT? Dad noo! He clearly doesn't want me in it so why can't you have like another celebrity replace me?" i screamed into my dad's face. I could see Justin shaking his head while he's pretending to be on his phone when he's clearly listening to our conversation.

"HEY! I picked you and everyone else agreed. So no arguing your going to be in the music video your a famous model and you are very beautiful and have a great figure. Also were staying at Justin's tonight cuz I don't feel like going home I'm tired and your staying too." dad said.

"UGHHHH!!" I said walking into the kitchen because I was hungry.

I made myself some popcorn and waited for about 3 minutes. I saw Justin walking towards the kitchen too. Lord please help I thought to myself, I didn't want it to be awkward between us.

"Move" he said with a not so nice look. He was pissed at something. He was really angry.

I ignored him.

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now