Chapter 15

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*3 weeks later*

It was currently Friday night 10pm. I was waiting for Justin to get home from the studio. He texted me that he will be there till 9pm. But it's currently almost 10:30pm. I am watching a movie and in my pi's.

My parents are sleeping. But suddenly, I herd someone walking from upstairs. It was my dad.

"Sweetie what are you doing up so late? "

"Uhh I'm waiting for Justin to get back from the studio."

"Ok don't stay up too late."

"Ok good night!"

"Good night!" he said while walking upstairs.

I sat there for half a hour more until I herd the front door open to find a very drunk ,tired, and pissed Justin.

"Justin what happened to you?" I asked while taking off his jacket.

"Stop! Don't touch me!" he said.

"Justin what is the matter?"

"Just...stop and go to sleep!"

"NO! I WILL NOT. I CAN'T PUT UP WITH THIS! YOU COME IN AND YOU YELL AT ME AS I'M TRYING TO FIND OUT IF YOUR OKAY!" I yelled so hard that I probably woke up mom and dad.

"Sorry! Just let's go to sleep!"

"Ugh Fuck off!" I said while going upstairs.

A few tears escaped my eyes. I got into bed and tried to fall asleep. What's his problem? I did nothing to him! Maybe he just came from a club and cheated on me! As I thought that I just sobbed quietly.

I herd the door open as Justin came in and took his clothes off, lying next to me only in his boxers. I just lied there still. Suddenly Justin wrapped his arm around me. "Baby I'm sorry, forgive me please I was just stressed by my music because I got nothing done today!"

"Don't fucking touch me!" I said.

"Babe please, I'm truly sorry for letting my anger out all on you."

I turned around and looked at his beautiful face and just kissed him to let him know I forgave him. Then we fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up with my phone ringing. It was Dad.

*Phone Convo*

Dad: sweetie please come to the hospital now!

Me: Wait..what happened?

Dad: Jessica's in labor!

Me: Ok I'll be there on a couple minutes.

Dad: Hurry!

End of Phone Convo*

I rushed as I put on my nearest clothes. I hurried downstairs and called Justin.

*Phone Convo*

Justin: Hey baby what's up?

Me: Go to the hospital now!

Justin: What happened?

Me: My mom's having the baby! Hurry!

Justin: Ok be there in 10.

*End of phone convo*

I was already in my car driving fast. I swear I was driving so fast I was about to be pulled over. I finally made it to the hospital. I ran to the front desk.

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now