Chapter 19

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*Justins POV*

"What the hell?" I said as I felt my mom pull the blankets off of me.

It's 7 in the morning..I have a day off..Why did you wake me up?" I scolded.

"You need to get ready."

"for What?"

"Your going to parents day."

"hell no. I'm not going I'm tired." I sighed.

"Justin your going!"

"Why should I? I'm not his dad."

"Justin!" Mom scolded. "Justin you are his father..Don't be like this, think about Jackson's feelings." My said crossing her arms. "How did you feel when your father wasn't around much? You kept on asking me where he was and when he will come home, Jackson is constantly asking Karina don't have to go for Karina but for Jackson!"

"Ok..Ok..fine I'll go." I said while getting up.

"Good." Mom said as she walked out of my room. This was going to be a long day so I should get ready.

~30 minutes later~

I sighed and got into my white Ferrari. I headed to school.

*Karina POV*

"come on mommy! Hurry up! were going to be late!" Jackson whined.

"Ok ok what just a minute I'm almost done." I said putting the last swipes of my mascara.

"Alright I'm finished!" I said.

"Yay!" Jackson cheered.

"You goofball." I chuckled.

I grabbed my phone, purse, house keys, and keys to the Range rover. I checked the time it was 7:45am we had 15 minutes to get there.

"Will daddy be there?" Jackson asked as I put on his seatbelt.

"Uh..probably not." I sighed. "But don't get sad ok? You know he has a very important job."

"Ok mommy." I could tell he was disappointed in my answer. I sighed and got in the car too. I checked to see if Justin texted me but he didn't. So I don't think he's coming because he probably didn't give a fuck and didn't go, with his attitude from yesterday I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up.

"There a lot of cars mommy." Jackson said.

I parked the car and took Jackson out of his seatbelt and out of the car. I was confused since there weren't many kids who went to this school. I sat Jackson down on the ground. I was replying to a text from mom. She was asking if I could babysit Sophia and Jackson.

"DADDY!" I herd Jackson shout. He let go of my hand as he ran towards Justin who was leaning on his Ferrari while on his phone. I saw Jackson was hugging Justin's legs. I look to see paparazzi swarming me, Justin and Jackson. Justin and Jackson started to walk towards me.

"are you coming?" asked Justin.

I nodded and continued to walk to the entrance. "look mommy! Daddy made it!" Jackson smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled slightly.

"Glad both of you could make it!" Jackson's teacher said.

"Mr.Henderson! Look daddy made it!" Jackson said still holding on to Justin's hand.

"Yeah I see!" he said.

"Hey" Justin said as they shook hands.

"Please take a seat."

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now