Chapter 2

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*Still Karina's POV*

I passed security and baggage check, said goodbye to mom and Kyle, god I miss them already. I was now staring to board the plane.

"Wow." I said to myself.

The plane was like 100x better than 1st class, it had leather seats, literally a wide open space to reat your legs, even the seats transformed into a little bed lol. I was a dream. I sat down in my seat in front of a little mini TV.

"Hello may I get you something, Miss.?" the flight attendant asked me with a huge smile on her face.

"Uh do you have a bottled water?" I asked.

"which water do you want specifically? She asked me again.

"Uh...Poland Spring?" I said in a nervous look.

"Sure, wait one moment." she stated and left.

I was thinking of dad and the last time we saw each other was last summer. I have to admit I was kinda nervous to see him.

"Here you go, Miss." she came back handing me a water bottle.

"thank you." I said with a smile and she left.

"Excuse me, I was wondering how long is this flight?" I said while stopping her.

"This flight is about 4 1/2 hours." She said and left.

"thank you." I said.

Then I fell asleep for 3 hours. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be landing in about 5 mins." the intercom spoke, which led me to wake up.

We landed and I went through security and baggage claim.

Then I went through the doors and saw daddy and a my age handsome looking guy that kept on staring a me as I walked to daddy.


I saw a hot and sexy girl around my age running towards scooter. She had beautiful long  brown hair and hazel eyes, she was just perfect. I'm gonna make her mine even though she kinda hates my guts, scooter told me once.

*Back to Karina's POV*

"Daddy!" I screamed as he started running towards me.

"Princess!" he said as he hugged me tightly.

"You grew so much since the last time I saw you!" he said with a huge smile on his face.

"well I can't help what my body is doing" I said sarcastically.

"Karina this is Justin" he said.

I can tell he was checking me out and I put a fake smile on my face to show that I'm happy but I really wasn't because he stole my dad from me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." he said with a smirk on his face.

"hi it's nice to meet you too." I said with a little smile.

"Come on guys lets go home." dad said.

"Alright." I stated while looking at Justin looking a my butt.

Such a perv I thought to myself as I walked to a black range rover while being attacked my Justin's stupid fucking paparazzi.

"Hey Justin is this your new girlfriend?" One paparazzi asked.

I was so mad but I kept in my anger while I saw Justin smirking at me. We got into the car with Kenny Justin's body gaurd, dad, and damn Bieber. Kenny was in the passenger seat and dad was driving while me and Justin were in the back.

"hey dad." I said.

"Yes sweetie what is it? he said.

"Who's car is this?" I asked.

"Mine, you like it we can make out in here if you want?" Justin said prevertedly and started to chuckle.

"Ew no gross, your such a perv." I said grossed out.

"Justin stop scaring away my daughter!" My dad said and started laughing with Kenny.

We drove into a driveway and I went out and stared at the beautiful modern home which I will live in from now. I tried to open the door but Justin opened it for me. 

"No need to open doors for me, I could've opened it by myself, you know." I said a little angry.

"I was just trying to be nice, geez no need to be bitchy." he said.

"Oh I'm the one who's BITCHY, you FUCKIng.. ASSWHole." I said angrily.

"Karina watch your language!." dad said annoyed.

"Dad he started it, why are you protecting him... it seems your acting like he's your fucking son even though I'm your daughter!" I said while taking out the luggage from the back.

"Honey I'm not taking sides I love you!" he said while leaning in for a hug.

"Then why didn't you call for a fucking year dad?..Huh? oh were busy with Bieber!" I said as I was walking into the house.

*Justin's POV* 

Shit why did I even start this by calling her a bitch...ugh what's wrong with me I'm so stupid I said to myself so nobody could hear. 

But I'm surprised scooter didn't call her for a year, I kinda feel bad for Karina.

I walked into the house to see Karina sitting on the couch on her phone texting some kid named Kyle. To be honest I kinda felt jealous for some reason.

"Dad where's my room?" she said to scooter without looking at him.

Scooter ignored her and I was pretty disappointed in him for ignoring his daughter. I feel bad. 

"Here I'll show you, come with me." I said to her, she followed me with her bags......

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