Chapter 4

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*Justin's POV*

"what, when, where, why, how?" Karina said in a grossed out face.

"what?" i asked.

"This, this position, I don't like you,EWWW!!" She yelled.

"Calm, down nothing happened" I said.

"I hope not!" she said while going up to her room probably to change.

I also went to change.

*Karina POV*

I went up to my room, took a shower brushed my teeth and put on black jean shorts and a floral crop top from hollister and a white kimono. I curled my hair into beachy waves and did my makeup.

I decided to go into Justin's room to see what he is doing and opened the door and saw him naked without anything.. I covered my eyes. 

" omfg Justing put on some clothes" I screamed.

He just laughed.

"I know you wanted to see Jerry." he chuckled.

"what??.. who's jerry?" I asked.

He pinned me to the wall and whispered ..

"Jerry is my dick." he said causing me to shiver.

"Omg, eww no why would I want to see...Jerry?" I asked grossed out.

"Because I know you like me." he said.

"what in the world, why do you think I fucking like you?" i asked annoyed.

"because you act all nervous around me." he said.

"Let go of me you pervert." I said.

He let go and I suddenly felt his warm lips touch mine.

I started kissing back and I could feel him smile in between the kisses. Its started to be a make out session for about 5 whole minutes.

I pulled away and just stopped.

"why did you stop?" he said.

"Because we can't be together doing that." I said while not making eye contact.

"why?" he asked.

"My dad will kill you if he found out were dating." I said.

"He doesn't need to know." he said while smashing his lips into mine.

We started to make out more while a guy came in and took a picture.

"WTF?" I yelled.

"Aflredo did you take a picture?" Justin said.

"Maybe." Aflredo chuckled.

"who the fuck is he?" I asked.

"Karina meet Alfredo my director and editor." he said.

"Alfredo meet scooter's daughter Karina."

"Nice to meet you" he said.

I just smiled and shook his hand.

"And Alfredo delete that picture of us kissing." Justin said.

"Never the whole world has to know." he said while smirking.

"God damn fredo" Justin said.


"I guess he saw the picture." Justin said.

We went to his office and he had a angry look on his face.

"Justin why were you making out with my daughter?" he asked.

"Well can't you see were in love?" he said.

"Cheesy." I said while smacking his shoulder playfully.

"So scooter can I dat her." Justin said with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine but no funny business." he said.

"Ok thanks scoot." Justin said while grabbing my arm and we left.

"wait!" dad said.

"what now?" I said.

"you both have a interview with ellen right now so let's go." dad said while leading us to the range rover.

"Ugh" we both said.

Sorry for this chapter but I will write soon I promise I hope you like the story so far comment what you think. I know I am just starting but I am going to make this story interesting I promise. Love you guys bye!! <3

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