Chapter 14

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1 month later*

Me and Justin are going great he has changed back into the Justin I love, he not drinking, smoking, or clubbing unless I'm with him and he hasn't been in contact with other women and celebrities. Also the good news are that Justin's music video what do you mean is shot and out since Justin performed his new song "What do you Mean?" like a few days ago at the VMA's and release his new video for it with me starring in it I'm so proud of him he's been working hard lately on his career and music. His new album "Purpose" is coming out November 13 so that's amazing.

I just woke up to a sleeping Justin next to me laying down on his stomach and his hair extremely messy. He looked so cute so I decided to Instagram it. I took a picture of him and captioned it "My baby is so tired" with hearts and kisses as the emoji's. After, I posted it. It was 10:00 and I decided to finally get up.

I wore something casual- a white patterned sweater for fall/winter and some darker ripped skinny jeans with some black heels. 

I decided not to wake up Justin since he was in the studio last night working hard. My dad and Jessica were in the kitchen downstairs. I had a photo shoot and a interview. My best friend Hailey Baldwin and I were going to the Calvin Klein party tonight and I think Justin was joining too since he was on the cover of their magazines and all.

I went downstairs and saw Dad. 

"Good morning daddy!" I said

"Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep?"

"Good how's Jessica and the baby, I herd she was in pain."

"She's fine the baby is fine she's only 8 months pregnant it's too early to have the baby."

"Well where is she?" 

"She's in the kitchen."

I walked to the kitchen and saw Jessica eating breakfast and reading a magazine. "Hey mom!"

"Hi honey! Good morning."

"How are you feeling. are you okay?" 

"Yes baby, don't worry I'm fine but I can't wait till I have this baby girl I can't wait." She aid putting her hand on the belly.

"Have you came up with the name yet?" 

"Not really I like the name Sophie, Olivia, and Madison but I like Sophie the best and so does your dad."

"OMG I was just about to say Sophie, I love that name! Please name her Sophie, Please!!" I cheered like a little girl.

"Ok Ok sweetie we'll name her Sophie."


"Ok I got to go to a photo shoot and then a interview."

"OK honey have fun, I love youhi!"

"Love you too mom bye!"

I grabbed my shades and my keys and went into the car. I was suddenly swarmed with paps like a lot of them! "Karina where are you going?" one said.  I decided to answer.  "Photo shoot then a interview." I said. 

"How are you and Justin?" another asked. "We're good."

"Ok I have to go i'm in a hurry sorry!"

Then I opened my car and slipped myself into the drivers seat. I drove to the photo shoot. 

*After Photo Shoot*

I was on my way to the interview with Ellen again.  'What's with all these interviews with Ellen lately my dad planned'? I thought to myself while I was in the car listening to Ariana Grande. I shook it off. 

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now