Chapter 22

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*Karina's POV*

I woke up to Justin sleeping on his stomach with his messy hair. I tried to get out of his grip. He had his arm right around my stomach. I tried to pull away. "mhm." Justin mumbled. I finally got off of his tight grip and went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and went into my huge walk in closet. Since it was only the beginning of summer I decided to wear a retro black classic stripped top, leopard loose shorts, a black stylish panama hat and my sunglasses. I was ready for the day. I put on makeup and straightened my light brown hair. Usually my hair gets really brighter during summer it becomes really light brown but in winter it goes back to just brown. It's cool. 

I went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for Justin and Jackson. Today will be a great day, I get to visit my real mom and brother Kyle. I'm scared. But I kinda am angry that mom sent me to live with dad and not bring Kyle with me but now he's 21 so he's really grown up. 

I haven't seen Kyle since he was 15- 6 years! Mom and Kyle don't know about Sophie or Jackson's birth. I also feel like I should tell them and I am because they have the right to know. 

I was making Pancakes. "Mhmm something smells good." Justin said while walking downstairs with a sleepy Jackson in his arms still passed out. "He woke up crying saying he had a bad dream but I think he's okay." Justin said. 

"Mommy I'm hungry!" Jackson said while Justin put him on one of the bar stools that secured his back and arms so he doesn't fall out. 

I put the plates of Pancakes for both of them and myself. We started to eat.

~10 minutes later~

"Umm mommy that was good!" Jackson said as he tried to get off the high bar stool. "Here baby let me help you." I said while taking him down. 

"Babe you look ready for today." Justin said smirking. "I want to look presentable." I said. 

"Come on Jackson let's get you dressed for today. And Justin...get ready too!" I said while taking Jackson and going upstairs. I dressed him in a light blue polo button up shirt and polo coral shorts, also some tan sperry's. 

"Mommy where are we going?" Jackson asked.

"Were going to your 3nd grandma's house and your uncle Kyle's house." I said since Jackson has 3 grandma's Pattie my real mom, and Jessica.  "Yay! when are we leaving?" Jackson asked. 

"Uhhhh.. at 6:45 the jet boards but we have to leave the house at 6:00 at it's 10:45 in the morning right now." I said. 

"Ok mommy I will be in the playroom." Jackson said. "ok be careful!" I yelled as he ran.

I went downstairs. I saw Justin texting someone. "Who you texting?" I asked curiously "No one." he replied. He left his phone on the couch and went to go get a snack. In a couple of minutes his phone rang. I was shocked who the caller was. It said '2nd Babe' I knew it was Selena because that girl at McDonalds said they are still in contact. I took the phone and brought it to Justin. "Justin your '2nd Babe is calling you, you should answer." I said. Justin was in shock. "Karina it's not what it seems, she's calling me because I told her to stop because I'm with you you now." He said.

"It seems like your 2nd babe is calling you thats what it seems." I said and handed him the phone and sat on the couch scrolling through twitter and Instagram. The Justin came over. "Karina I love you and you know that I would never cheat on you when I'm with you." he said touching my hand, I quickly moved it away. "Are you still in contact with her?" I asked curiously. 

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