Chapter 27

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~A few months later~

I was going into my 9th month of pregnancy I'm so exited to meet Emma. I was huge, like literally I mean huge....this baby will be big. I was starting feel so given up, like I can't do anything! I can't bend down, I can't even barely put my own clothes on! It's hard with another baby inside you, that you have to carry plus she's heavy. But on the bright side she's gonna be out any day now.

It was Friday, Jackson was at school and Justin was with me at home watching TV. I got a call from Mom.

Mom: Hey honey, can you babysit Sophie for me for like a hour?

Me: right now?

Mom: Yes, please?

Me: Uh Sure, where's dad?

Mom: He's with Ariana at the Studio

Me: Oh ok I'll be right over.

Mom: Thanks sweetheart!

End of Phone Convo*

"Justin mom told me to babysit Sophie for a little wanna come?" I asked him.

"Sure." he said.

We drove to my parents house.

I knocked on the door and came in. I saw mom in the kitchen. "I'm here, I brought Justin." I said. "Oh good, well I'll get going then I'll be back at 12:00pm." she said as she walked out the front door. 

"Sophie?" I yelled.

"Over here!" She yelled. I went to her room as Justin started to watch a hockey game. "Hey sissy!" she said running over to me and hugging me. 

"Sissy? When is baby Emma going to come out? I wanna meet her!" she said excitedly.

"I don't know but it will be any day now." I said. Then she placed her hand on my belly waiting for Emma to kick. After a while she finally did.

Emma giggled and laughed. I smiled due to the fact she's going to be a aunt even if she already is at age 6 lol. 

"Sissy let's play dolls!" Sophie said.

"Ok" I said chuckling. I haven't played dolls in a while.

For 30 minutes we were playing dolls. I was tired. I was wondering why Sophie didn't go to school today. 

"Sophie why aren't you in school?" I asked curiously. 

"I had a dentist appointment and I couldn't make it." she said. "See!" she said opening her mouth to see her teeth. My stomach started hurting really really bad I think I had contractions. 

"Oh, well I will be downstairs with Justin, you can stay here still" I said walking downstairs. Just then mom came in the door. "Thanks for babysitting for me." she said. 

"No proble-" I tried to say as my water broke. "My water just broke!" I yelled. 

"OMG let's take you to the hospital quick!" Justin yelled. 

"Jessica go to the house and get the hospital back Karina packed." Justin said to mom as he helped me in the car.

Justin drove so fast, that I swear he was gonna get pulled over. "OOWWW!! It hurts so bad!" I said.

"Baby it's ok breathe. Just breathe we'll be there in couple minutes." Justin said driving faster. 

Once we got the hospital it was 2:10pm. Justin helped me into the building.

"Help my Fiancé's in labor!" Justin said as a nurse took me into a room followed by Justin. 

Right away a doctor and like 3 more nurses came in and change due into a hospital gown. "Ok on 3 you have to push, hard okay?" the doctor said as I spread my legs. I just nodded. 

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now