Chapter 29

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Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed some baby stuff. I am almost done with this book! Just a little more. But after I'm done I will write another Justin Bieber Fan fiction/love story type of piece. IDK yet but i'm deciding if I should keep the same theme which is-Scooter Braun's daughter or something else. So yeah Enjoy this part! 


~5 months later~

Guess what? I got married 4 months ago!! Congratulations to me! I am so happy. I am officially Karina Samantha Bieber. Yes my middle name is Samantha so anyways I was looking for Justin everywhere. I looked in Emma's room he was standing there with Emma in his arms feeding her a bottle, sometimes she gets fed a bottle. "Morning Babe?" I said confused. 

"Hey I am feeding Emma, just to make your life easier." he said, I could tell he was tired.

"Thank you, that explains why I didn't get woken up in the middle of the night." I chuckled.

"Well I thought you needed a little break. And btw Jackson is still sleeping." He said.

"Thank you I'll go make breakfast for you." i said heading downstairs.

I went to the stove and grabbed a pan and started to make pancakes. Once I finished I put all of them on a plate and set the breakfast table, yes we have a breakfast table, a dinner table, and a lunch table. I put the plates and orange juice on the table and waited for them to come down. I went to go get Emma. I changed her diaper and changed her into a simple outfit. 

Justin was getting Jackson dressed. It was Sunday. I went downstairs with Emma in my arms as Justin and Jackson were eating. I was still in my pajamas because I was comfortable. 

"Good morning Jackson, sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes mommy." he said sweetly.

Justin headed out. "It's just you and me, and Jackson." I said kissing her as I made her giggle. She was already almost 6 months. Lately Justin was coming home late almost every night and Jackson keeps on asking where he was. It was annoying because he leaves me with 2 kids everyday while probably going out to clubs. One time he wasn't home for the night and he came back in the morning, god knows where he was. That night I was sobbing and calling my dad to ask where he was. He also says that he acts weird.

But during the day he acts all nice. I don't like it at all. I ask his friends where he is but they won't tell me, I know he's with them but they won't tell me it's like i'm not his fiancé. We have small arguments once in awhile and get mad but then make up and i'm sick of it. 

I called him a couple times he didn't pick up so I asked Hailey if I can stay over for a couple days or just live with her until me and Justin sort things out. I packed some clothes for all three of us.

I first changed into some neutral colors- a neutral sweater with a white long sleeve shirt under it followed by a neutral color scarf, brown high boots, light brown skinny jeans, my brown bag and a wrist bracelet. I dressed Emma in some wintery clothes since it was beginning to be winter and headed out with Emma and Jackson to Hailey's house. I had Emma in her car seat and stroller while Jackson didn't need one because he was 5. I put the stroller in the trunk as I put emma and jackson in the back. There was no paps thankfully so I drove to hailey's, she knew I was coming already so I didn't have to bother her. I was worried and didn't want to deal with him he's been distant and I don't want the kids worried or affected in the situation

I got to Hailey's house and knocked on the door. 

"Mommy where are we?" Jackson asked. "We're gonna be staying at Aunt Hailey's house for now." I said.

"Why?Where's daddy?Why isn't he with us?" Jackson asked. "I don't know he's not coming he has work." I said, then Hailey opened the door.

"Hey! Come in!" she said. "Emma was sleeping in the car seat so I put her in a quiet place. I also put Jackson for his nap. 

I was sitting with Hailey on the couch. She had a big house too. "Ok so tell me what happened." she said.

"Well it's just complicated since like a couple weeks ago Justin has been coming home late and one time he didn't come home until like the morning, who knows where he was. So I asked his friends where he was and I knew he was with them but they won't tell me. But before, me and Justin started to have arguments and I was sick of it so I came here, If you can't have me I'll just go somewhere else." I said. 

She leaned in to hug me. "Stay here as long as you want." she said as I began to cry. 

"Thank you. It's just hard, really hard to take care of two kids basically on my own since Justin has been distant and not home, I just couldn't stand to be in the same place as he was." I said sobbing.

"It's ok I understand, your welcome anytime, I am so happy to have you, Jackson and Emma here with me, I'm all alone." Hails said chuckling. 

It was almost 7:00pm. The day went by quickly. But the thing I keep on thinking about was if Justin ever wanted this marriage. I was sitting with Hails in her nice living room texting dad. He was asking where I was since he came to my house. I said that I was staying at Hailey's house for awhile to get away from Justin. he understood, I love my dad he's awesome. 

Hailey was watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix as I heard Jackson crying upstairs. I ran as quickly as possible to his room at Hails's house. "Hey buddy whats wrong?" I asked him as he was in pajamas on the bed crying. 

"Mommy where's daddy? I want Daddy!" he cried. "Baby, it's ok he's working for a long time." I said as I cuddled with him. 

"When will I see him?" Jackson asked still sniffling. "I don't know." I said.

"Come on I will lay down next to you until you fall asleep." I said as I cuddling with him on his queen sized bed. I kissed his forehead. "I love you, goodnight." I whispered.

"I love you too mommy, goodnight." he whispered. He fell asleep in about 10 minutes. 

~10 minutes later~ 

Soon after Jackson fell asleep again Emma started crying. I picked her up, changed he diaper and changed her into some pajamas. I took her downstairs since Hailey would want to play with her as I was tired. So I took Emma downstairs, she was older now 6 months(pic above^^^^) she could almost crawl and she would make sounds. 

"Aww she's awake, give me her!" Hailey squealed making Emma giggle a little. She started to tickle her and play with her as I sat down and went onto Instagram, Justin had posted a picture of him drinking at club with lil Twist, Za, Khalil, Drake, lil wayne, and surprisingly Kanye. I never knew he would go to clubs. I'm slow. 

But I couldn't believe him. He still probably doesn't know I left but I was glad I was't with him, don't get me wrong I love him it's just hard since he leaves me with 2 kids and is gone all day. We get into arguments and it's getting annoying. 

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