Chapter 28

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Karina's POV

I was still stuck in the hospital but luckily tomorrow I get out! Yay! I am so bored in this room without Justin since he has to go to the studio and all that. But right now I have my true friends Ken and Hails(Kendall and Hailey) they are so helpful especially Hailey because she knows how to care for a baby since Kendall is new to this.

I decided to change into some sweats and a tank top. My room was big due to Justin he said I have to have a huge room. I laughed due to the fact he has to have it his way. My room had 2 couches, plasma flat screen TV, 2 chairs that convert into a little mini bed when someone wants to sleep there like Justin. It also had a mini fridge and a snack cabinet. 

Hailey was holding Emma while she and Kendall watched Netflix. Probably PLL or the Vampire diaries.  I decided to join them. 

I sat right next to Hailey as Kendall sat in a chair. I got a text from Justin. 

J: How's my 2 princesses? :)

Me: Were good how about you?

J: I'm still working :( I'll come by in an hour.

Me: K I miss you:*

J: I miss you too babe

End of Text Convo

"Who you texting?" Kendall smirked. "Justin." I said. She nodded. 

"I miss Jackson." I said pouting. "Me too, he's adorable." Kendall said as Hailey was glued to Emma. I kinda had a idea that Kendall likes Jackson and Hailey likes Emma. I started laughing to that idea leaving them looking at me. "What's so funny?" asked Hailey.

"Nothing..Nothing." I said calming down. "Tell us!" Kendall said.

"Well I just thought that Kendall likes Jackson and Hailey likes Emma. It's funny I don't even know why!" I started laughing again which caused Emma to wake up. 

"Ugh she's hungry, I gotta go breastfeed her." I said while Hailey handed me her. "Shh it''s ok." I cooed. Then I went back to the bed and started to feed little Emma. Thankfully she latched on. She started to fall back asleep. 

A nurse then came in. "Miss Braun?"


"I checked with the administration and they said you can leave anytime you want today." 

"Thank you so much!" I said.She then left and I did a happy dance while still feeding Emma. She really did look like Justin again but she had my hair sorta since Justin has a type of blondish dirty blonde and I have light brown. So atlas she has my hair. But I heard that babies' hair changes throughout the months so I don't even know. I looked at Emma carefully admiring every inch of her face. She was the most gorgeous baby ever, so now I know why Hailey likes her. 

I called Justin to see if he can come and pick me up from the hospital with Hailey and Kendall. I already got the Car seat in the room so all I have to do is load Emma up. I changed her into a cute outfit and put her in. (Her Face looks like that^^^pic above but not the outfit)she wore a cute little headband and a pink onesie that was just light pink and some white ruffle pants. I changed real quick into something more decent. As soon as I put Emma in the carseat and into the stroller Justin came into the room. 

"Ready?" he asked. Hailey got my bag and Kendall had her bag and we all went to the car. Justin pushed Emma in the black stroller, yes black because I like black because it goes with everything. There were paps everywhere more than before. I wore sunglasses and so did Hailey and Kendall. The paps started to ask random questions but I was not in the mood so I ignored them. Quickly Justin put Emma in the back with Hailey and Kendall as I got into the passenger seat and Justin got into the driver's seat. I could tell Justin was annoyed of the paps and their questions. We started talking as me and Justin held hands. 

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