Chapter 16

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*2 weeks later*

It is exactly 2 weeks since Justin left on tour for his new album release. I woke up to Sophie crying since she was only 2 weeks old I was feeling like I was going to throw up. I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked. After a while I was done so I brushed my teeth. 

I went downstairs because I was really hungry. Lately I have been carving junk food or food in general. "Morning" mom said as she was feeding Sophie with the bottle.

"Morning what's for breakfast?" 

"Bacon and eggs." 

I went to the stove and got a place full of bacon and eggs but mostly bacon. :P

I started eating quickly. 

"Honey slow down!" Mom chuckled.

"I don't know I have been puking almost every morning and eating a lot!" I said.

"Honey this is going to sound weird but when was the last time you and Justin had sex?" she asked.

" 2 weeks ago right before he left." 

"did he use protection?" 

"Probably think I'm pregnant?" I asked almost passing out.

"Honey I think you should take a pregnancy test just in case."

"Ugh. fine!" 

"Here follow me I have extras." she said while putting Sophie in a swing, she fell asleep.

I followed her into their master bathroom. She looks through some cabinets and found a couple tests.

"Here take these 3 just to make sure." Mom said as she went back downstairs.

I peed on the 3 sticks and waited for a couple of minutes. 

After, it was time to look. Mom was beside me. I looked at all 3 of them POSITIVE.....POSITIVE....POSITIVE. I couldn't believe it I was so scared I started crying into Jessica's chest. "Mom how can this be possible I just turned 20!" I cried.

"Sweetie it's okay we'll get through it. A baby is a wonderful blessing, some women are trying to get pregnant you should be happy!" 

"But Justin's not ready to be a father! We can't tell him! Please don't!"

"Honey how are you going to hide your stomach!"

"I'll try to hide it as best as possible just don't tell him he needs to focus on his career and his songs not me and this baby that's inside me!"

"Ok I won't tell him ."

"How about dad he's going to hate me!"

"sweetie no he's not we'll support you!" Jessica said as she kissed my forehead.

Just then the front door opened and closed.

We both went downstairs and it was Dad.

"Dad I need to tell you something."

"sure thing princess what is it?" 

"Uhhh....I'm...Pregnant. Please don't tell Justin Please!!! Don't let him know my new number and don't let him contact me I beg you he needs to focus on his career and music." I started to cry a little

"Sweetie come here." dad came up to me and hugged me.

"It's ok I get it I won't tell him."

"Thank you!" 

"And guess what news I have for you!"


"I bought you your very own house!"


"Yes! It's a very big house with a security alarm and everything it has 8 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 3 living rooms, a theater, gym, tennis court, pool and a huge backyard!"

"Dad! No way!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!" I hugged him.

"It's a 15 minute drive from here. Come on I'll show you! You can move in whenever you want! go pack your things. A moving truck will be here in a hour."

"OMG" I said in shock and ran upstairs to pack. I was actually happy to have this baby because I loved Sophie and I was happy to have my own mansion!

It took me 1 hour exactly to pack every single thing. The moving truck was here and the guys were taking my stuff like suitcases boxes filled with important stuff and all that. 

I drove with dad, mom and Sophie to the house. As we pulled up the mansion/house was was even bigger than my dad's house! 

I went to the gate and my dad typed the password in, it was my name. We walked inside. The whole house was furnished and everything. It was all my taste modern and pretty. 

"You don't know how much I thank you guys!" I said to mom and dad.

"Your welcome princess! You and the baby will be great in here."

I went to my room the biggest room of all the rooms. As I walked in the room was a lavender color, it had a king size bed 2 walk in closets one for my clothes and one for my 1 billion shoes, yes I have many many clothes and shoes. It had a the biggest bathroom I've ever seen. I was shocked that my dad would actually buy this. 

"Ok sweetie I hope you like it we'll be back get unpacking!" Dad said. 

"Ok thank you bye!" 

I started to look inside the room beside mine as I walked in I realized the room would be perfect for the baby it was light green it could be for a boy or a girl. I was really happy that I was pregnant since the birth of Sophie, I haven't realized that a baby is so much fun. 

But I'm sad that I had to make a decision to not let Justin know about the baby or it exists and even not let him see it but I don't know. 

After a while it was 6:00 I decided to watch TV. The TV was a 80in plasma flat screen. It lead me to pop star news. 

"Can you believe it, Scooter Braun brought a 20 million dollar mansion or house for his daughter Karina Braun! They've been seen walking into the mansion with their whole family! Today on Pop Star news!" the guy said.

"Ugh..They know already. 

I decided to call everyone I know and Justin knows so that I could tell them that this was my new number and to not give it away to Justin.

After a while of calling everyone that Justin and I know I decided to go to sleep. I dreamed of having a big wonderful family.

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now