Chapter 25

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~4 months later~

Today I had a very important appointment with the doctor to see what gender our baby is! I was so exited and so was Justin. It was May right now and our baby was probably due in August and I was getting ready. I wore black loose dress that had loose sleeves and was tighter around my thighs, it hugged my belly it was visible and big it also had a zipper from my chest to my waist. I put on my panama hat and my sunglasses and got my bag and headed out with Jackson and Justin. 

Jackson was wearing a light blue blouse with some coral shorts as his hair was gelled up. Justin was wearing a white shirt with a cardigan and some leather pants. We were all looking fabulous. 

Justin called up 3 security guards to protect us from getting mobbed by the paparazzi's they were crazy lately. we got out of our mansion and tried to walk to the car as some paparazzi's took pictures of us. 

"Karina! where are you guys heading!" some yelled.

"Justin is it true you were clubbing with some women a couple days ago?" some other asked. i just chuckled on how they're desperate on asking questions. 

"Karina are you pregnant with your second child?" another one asked. I turned to him. "Yes as you can see." I said.

"When's the wedding?" some other asked. 

"Soon." Justin replied as he held Jackson and walked to the car.

We sat and drove followed by our security guards. We arrived to the clinic. I was nervous and so exited hoping it's a girl. 

we sat in the waiting room until they called my name. 

"Karina? Braun?" some lady said through the door. 

 I stood up with Justin and Jackson and followed her to a room with a ultrasound bed. "Wait here for a few minutes a doctor with be shortly with you." she said as she signed me in and left. I sat down on the bed as Justin sat down on a chair across the room with Jackson on his lap. 

"I'm nervous." I said.

"Babe, don't worry everything is going to be okay." Justin said. Right then a doctor came in. "Hi my name is Dr. Lasciki." she said. "Hi." I said.

I lied down, luckily my dress had a zipper from my chest to my waist so I unzipped it and she put gel on my belly, it was so cold. "Ok lets see here, I see the head and arms and legs, ok...good." she said. I smiled towards Justin. 

"Ok you are having girl! Congratulations!" she said. I cried tears of joy as Justin came up and kissed me. 

"Yay i'm going to have a baby sister!!" jackson cheered. 

"YES! A GIRL!" Justin cheered. 

I just laughed and so did the doctor. At this point I was so happy. "Is the baby healthy?" I asked.

She check one more time. "Yes I'm positive, do you want to hear her heartbeat?" she asked.

"Yes!" I said.

She put it on the sound thingy as I heard my baby girls heartbeat. "Omg!" I gasped. Then, Justin kissed my head. 

"I'm going to print our the ultra sound picture for you right now." the doctor said. 

"Thank you." I answered as the machine printed out the picture. "here you go." she handed the picture of the face of my baby in 3-D so I can see her face clearly, she was beautiful and yet she looks like Justin again. 

"she looks like you again." I chuckled as I handed Justin the picture. 

"haha She does!" Justin said. "I'm the best at making babies, they always end up looking like me." Justin proudly said. I laughed.

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now