Chapter 7

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*Justin POV*

As we walked into the restaurant all I could do was admire how beautiful and sexy Karina looked in her coral dress but she just kept on starring at Jessica and Scooter.

But I'm kinda happy for Scooter, that he finally in 2 years found the love of his life.

We ordered some food for all 5 of us.

"May I be excused for a minute." Karina said nervously. What is going on?

I decided to follow her after 5 minutes. She went to the restroom.

*Karina POV* 

As I washed my face a little to cool myself down from my headache, as I went to dry my hands I got slammed to the bathroom wall. It was Justin he smashed his lips onto mine and kissed me passionately. I smiled between the kisses.

"Ok babe, now tell me what's wrong, your acting weird." Justin said with a serious look on his face, he looked hot.

"It's just I feel like Dad is going to marry that woman." I said while a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Babe maybe he is, maybe not, but don't you want your dad happy?" he said while wiping my tear with his thumb.

"I do." I stated. with a smile.

Then we came back to the table and we ate our food. We drove to the limo with Jessica, Dad, Justin's mom, Justin, and me. They were probably staying at our place, But Justin and his mom live a couples blocks away from us so they have to leave.

We said our goodbyes  and we came home.

"Sweetie Jessica is staying with us and she will be taking care of you from tomorrow since Justin leaves for his tour." dad said sweetly while kissing Jessica.

"Ok when is Justin leaving?" I asked.

"Uh...I think 9:00 in the morning." dad said with a smile.

"Ok, Goodnight!" I went upstairs.

"Goodnight." Jessica and Dad said at the same time.

I went upstairs.

-brushed my teeth

-changed into my pj's.

-put my hair into a bun.

-And went on twitter. Every one was sending me hate. "Go kill yourself, Justin is mine and only mine BITCH!" some were happy for us but mostly haters were hating.

I logged of of twitter and went to sleep.


"Beep Beep Beep!" the alarm went off it's 8:30! OMFG I am going to be late and I'm never going to say goodbye to Justin.

I quickly got ready and got dressed in a Lightweight and drapey black top with strappy back. and some white shorts, my panama hat, and some sunglasses.

I went down stairs. To see Jessica making breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie have some breakfast." she said in a sweet voice.

"No I'm in a hurry to say goodbye to Justin he's leaving in a half hour, but thanks anyway." I said trying to be nice and headed out the door to my range rover.

I got to the airport. I was 8:50 ughh...

I have 10 minutes.

I ran as fast as I could. All I could think about was would he still be there. I was worried.

I saw he was boarding the plane with dad. 

"WAIT WAIT! STOP!" yelled 

"Karina what are you doing here?" they both said.

"I wanted to say goodbye." I said.

I hugged Justin and kissed him for a minute, passionately. Best kiss ever!

"Have a safe trip babe I will miss you and I love you forever and always." I whispered.

"I will miss you too and I love you more forever and always." he said with a smile as he boarded.

A tear fell down my face and I quickly wiped it away.

I went home.


I was eating breakfast that Jessica made it was delicious, pancakes with strawberries and blueberries.

I decided to go watch TV maybe some news of Justin.

I turned it on and saw a interview of Justin and Jimmy Fallon. 

"So Justin are you dating Selena or Karina?" Jimmy asked.

"Well me and Karina broke up and I moved on so now I am dating Selena and yes I am in love with her." Justin said confidently.

First I didn't believe it but Jimmy put up pictures of them kissing on a beach.

I started crying and I put my hands in my face.

"How could he that bastard!" I said angrily and started crying more, my eyes were red and puffy.

"Honey what's wrong?" Jessica said sitting next to me.

"Justin cheated on me!!" I said while hugging her like a mom.

"Oh honey that's the trouble of dating a Celebrity." she said and I felt like she was my mom.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now