Chapter 13

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Me and Kendall were getting out of the limo laughing non stop. I opened the door still laughing with Kendall, until I stopped to see Justin had a mad look on his face. "WHERE WERE YOU!" he yelled.

"God Damn Justin I was with Kendall, your not my fucking dad!" I yelled taking my heels off.

"Come on Kendall" I said as Kendall hurried after me.

"Don't mind him, he's always here." 

"Can't you two just make up you guys were a perfect couple." she said.

"Kendall stop he broke up with me he has to fix it"

"So there's a chance?" 

"Yes but I lost him he's been smoking cigarettes, weed, drinking and other shit."

"You know he does that because you guys broke up right?" 

"No, he just turned 21 so he makes his own decisions."

Kendall stopped talking as I handed he a pair of pajamas and I put mine on too. We went downstairs to the theater room. "Woah your house is much bigger than mine!" Kendall said.

"haha my dad brought it." I said.

We started watching Scream Queens a new TV show that came out.

half way of episode 1 Ariana Grande (my best friend)dies in the movie.

"OMG Ariana!!" Kendall says.

"It's sad that she dies." 

"I know she should've done more in the movie." Kendall said.

"Nick Jonas is so hot!" I squealed.

"OHHHH SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH!" Kendall yelled. I'm pretty sure Justin herd her.

"Haha maybe.." I smirked.

"You 2 would make a great couple!" 

"Impossible" I said.

"I saw a interview with him and ellen and ellen asked him who's his celebrity crush and he said it was you!" 

"Lies" I said.

She then showed me the video and I couldn't believe Nick Jonas has a crush on me, but I don't like him that way. I was hungry so I went into the kitchen to see Justin. I just ignored him and proceeded to what I was doing. 

"Karina, can we talk?" he said out of nowhere.

"We have nothing to talk about."

"Yes we do, can we just talk please?" 

"Fine you have 5 minutes.."

"Well as you know we both have made mistakes in this relationship but I love you baby! I can't live without you! I know I was stupid to kiss Kendall like that and be with Selena the other time. But if you forgave Kendall that means you can forgive me too. I just want you back please!" he pleaded as he grabbed my waist.

"I don't know Justin I need to think about it, your leaving to continue your tour in about a couple months during the next year so I don't know how it's going to work out." 

"We can make it work I am so stupid like a stupid person to betray you like that I don't know what has gotten into me lately."

"Justin, your not stupid your the most caring and loving person I've ever met!" 

"I love you!" 

"I...Love..You too." I said.

Soon I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. I missed his lips. "I promise I won't let you go ever!" 

I walked into the movie theater to Kendall but she was gone. I called her.

Phone Convo**

Me: Kendall where are you, did you leave?

Kendall: Yeah I did I saw you and Justin so I didn't want to be a distraction, I saw you two made up! I'm so happy for you 2 you guys are perfect together!

Me: Aw thanks, you know you didn't have to leave.

Kendall: No I did because my mom called and she wanted me home.

Me: Oh ok then I hope we can hangout soon!

Kendal: Me too! alright igtg bye!

Me: Alright bye love ya!

Kendall: Love ya too!

End of phone convo****

I was bored and it was officially 11:00pm I was exhausted so I went up to my room wondering where my dad and mom were but I shook it off. I went and crawled into bed soon joined by Justin. He lied down next to me and brought me closer to him. "You no there's rooms down the hall that are available."  "yes but It's more comfortable with you." "Night!" "Night" he said.

Sorry guys this chapter was the most shortest chapter ever but I will write longer ones soon! Make sure to leave ideas what you want to happen next. This book will have about 20 or so chapters in all. This is my first book and I'm not writing a sequel to it I'm sorry. But on the bright side I'm getting ready to make another book about Justin Bieber! So be ready! BYE!!!!

Love Me Like You Always Do (Justin Bieber FAN-FICTION)COMPLETED******Where stories live. Discover now