Orphan: 1

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" Are you guys ready to leave out? " Dad asks, while walking down the stairs with his suitcase in hand...

     " I am... " I respond following behind him..

" Has Bud come out the room? " Dad asks.

     " Bud? Who? Orphan? " I respond looking back as we enter the kitchen.

" Why do you call him that? " Dad asks me, taking a swig of Cranberry Juice.

     I shrug. " He's so odd dad. It's been 10 months and he doesn't speak to anyone but you. Barely. " I complain.

" Give him time. Get to know him. " Dad explain, placing the cranberry juice back in the fridge.

     " That would be easy if he would speak to people and not just look at me like he's watching paint dry. " I argue.

" He'll come around soon this is a new environment for him. He has to learn you and Cashè as well as me. " He says, placing his briefcase on the counter.

     " Learn you? He should've been learned who you were when you brought him here. " I say.

" ENOUGH! " Dad shouts. " Drop the topic and get ready to leave. Call Orphan down and be on your way. " He directs me.

     look at him shocked, but I follow his orders. I walk into the living room to call Orphan but he's already sitting down reading his book. Strange how I never heard him come down the stairs. I wonder did he hear me. If he did good. Maybe his weird ass would change. I pick up my backpack and walk to the door.

     " You ready Orphan? " I stop by the door and ask.

     Orphan doesn't respond. He stands up, still reading his book, and walks behind me. We walk to school daily because we literally live 10 minutes away. I open the door tell Dad bye and exit the house. I usually walk ahead of Orphan not because I want to, but because he always slows down his pace and walks behind me. I don't know why he does it. I feel a strong vibration in my pocket.

     I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at the caller I.D. I realize it's my Bestfriend on the girl side Yiderah. I quickly hit answer. " Hey Best friend. " I sing into the phone.

" Good morning Jah. Where are you? Arshon and I have been waiting on you for quite sometime. " She says.

     Arshon is my male Best friend.

          " I got caught up in a conversation with my Dad. I'm coming around the corner now. " I say as I turn the corner of the street and see both of them standing by the stop sign.

" I see you. " She hangs up and begins to wave. I wave back at her.

     I finally reach them and we all begin walking together.

" Why is he all the way back there alone? " She asks.

     " I don't really know. Let me check. " I turn around. " Hey Orphan! Why are you way back there? Catch up! " I turn back around to my friends.

" You are an asshole. Why you call that boy Orphan for? " Arshon asks.

     " Because he doesn't speak to any of us to know his name. He came out the blue and so sudden so he's Orphan. " I smile at the end.

Yiderah shakes her head. " He seems so cool. He's just a bit strange that's all. Is he supposed to be your brother or something? "

     " That's what Dad wants me to say. I don't mind but Orphan just needs to pick himself up a bit. "

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