Orphan: 4

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The next morning I woke up for school. I did my everyday routine. I brushed my teeth and checked myself out in the mirror. The little scar on my forehead had appeared. I got a box of band aids, and placed one over my forehead. Dad walked past the bathroom door, and peeked in.

"Nice to see you're up early." He smiles.

I look at him in the mirror as I start to brush my hair. "Nice to see you're home." I say with much sarcasm.

"We have a lot going on at work. It requires me to be gone in order to keep food on our table." I roll my eyes at his explanation. It sounds good.

"I understand." I lie.

"I talked to Bud last night when I got home. He says you threw out his doll that he grew up with. Why would you do that?" Dad questions me.

"Have you seen the thing? It's creepy. I thought you would be happy if it wasn't in this house." I defend my actions.

"That's not your place Jahod. I want you to apologize to him on your way to school. He's a nice kid. Cut him some slack." Dad demands me then exits the bathroom.

I sigh of exhaustion. I'm done searching for clues about Orphan. I guess everything will just come at it's own pace. I finish up in the bathroom and glance at the time. It was about time for Orphan and I to be leaving. I walked down the stairs and saw Orphan standing by the door with his backpack, and reading a book. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. Once I walked back into the living room. Dad was standing in front of Orphan talking to him. I managed to hear a little of what he was saying.

"I told you I would protect you. You don't have to be afraid of talking to anyone Bud. Just remember to control your feelings and never tell okay?" He finishes and Orphan nods.

I clear my throat and they both look at me. Orphan fixes his glasses and looks back down at his book. Dad turns around to me, and suggest for me to come over. I start to peel my banana and walk over to where they were.

"I want you to genuinely get to know your brother. I've asked him to be more open to new people. Just don't be so pushy. You may be enlightened by him."

What does that mean?

"Okay Dad." I say to him, and look at Orphan who is staring at me.

"Alright..." He flicks his shirt back to expose his watch. "Get on to school. I'll be seeing you guys soon." He pats my shoulder and Orphan's.

I roll my eyes, and exit the house with Orphan following behind me like always. Dad honks the horn as we begin our daily walk to school. I was walking looking down at my phone. Orphan was behind me per usual. I sighed as he seemed to have lagged more and more behind me. I guess I'll have to initiate a conversation with him. I stop walking and look back at him. He was still walking slow but I would wait. Once he finally caught up, I walked right beside him. He didn't even acknowledge me because he was still so into that book. I lent down to see what he was reading. Maybe he would engage me if I talked about things he cared about.

"So Frankenstein huh?" I say suddenly. He looked over at me and stopped walking. "We are not about to do this. I would like a day where we could walk side by side. I'm trying here Orphan." I explain.

He looks back at his book, turns a page, and begins walking again.

"I've never read Frankenstein. What's it about?" I resume with my questioning.

He squints at his book and looks harder. I hope that isn't his way of telling me to leave him alone. I get irritated, so I snatch the book out of his hands. He looks at me crazy, and reaches his hand out. He's gonna talk today.

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