Orphan: 5

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We get to the house and Orphan steps to the side to let me unlock the door for us. I shyly slide past him as he was staring down at me. I don't know what was going on. I guess my mind was still trying to process that he spoke to me. Once I opened up the door, Orphan rushed inside. I stood there and stared at him. He stopped on the stairs to turn and look at me. We both locked eyes then I walked inside the house. He waited until I closed and locked the doors before he went upstairs...

I threw my book down on the floor, and I walked up the stairs behind him. Once I got to the top of the stairs his door closed. I don't understand why he was giving me the silent treatment. Orphan never ceases to amaze me. I want to stop caring about him, and his mute behavior but I can't. I can tell Orphan is trying to hold back on his feeling for me. I still want to know what him and Dad can't tell. I go into my room to grab my material for the bathroom. I needed to take a quick bath to get today's filth off of me. I turn the water on and start to strip. I look in the mirror and see I have a scratch on my neck, and cut under my eye. I sighed and stepped into the shower.

I bathed and let the soap rinse off of me. Once I was done, I turned the water off. I left out of the bathroom and put on some pajamas. I opened my door to see was Orphan out or did he barricade himself in his room again. His light was on so I figured why not go speak to him. I left out of my room and walked to the front of his door. I placed my ear to the door to see if I could hear any noise or mumbles. His room was dead silent. I pulled away and knocked on his door three times. I tried to look at the bottom of his door to see if any shadows were moving in his room. I knocked on the door again three times and waited.

Still no answer...

I hung my head low and began walking back to my room. I stopped once his door finally opened and he was standing there in a white wife beater and some red basketball shorts. I had to lead myself not into temptation of his form. He stood there and fixed his glasses upon his gorgeous caramel face. I looked up at him to see him staring directly at me. It still weirds me out. I walk back over to his door to talk to him.

"Hey Orphan. I'm sorry for what happened back there. I saw you getting hurt and I just had to help." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

He stood quiet and leaned on the doorframe.

"I don't know what else to say but sorry. I know you probably dislike me even more now and want nothing to do with me but just know I got your back." I say, turning to walk away.

"Do you want to come in?" His deep Idris Elba voice vibrated through my eardrums.

I turned around slowly and pointed to myself. "Me?" I ask.

"Yes..." He nodded. "Do you want to come in?" he asks again.

I look around at the walls. The last time I went into his room it didn't end well. "I don't know Orp-- Bro. The last time I went into your room. You weren't so pleased." I admitted.

"That is because you weren't invited in. This time I'm inviting you inside." He stepped to the side and allowed me to enter his room.

I look at him skeptically and decided against protesting any further. I slip past him and walked into his room. I stood in the middle of the room in awe. He completely changed the room around. The mural of the forest was gone. Like completely gone. His little book that I saw was gone, and the whole vibe of the room was different. It was much more welcoming than the first time. I could feel a presence in the air. He closed the door and walked past me to sit down on the floor where he was playing his PlayStation 3. He resumed playing the game while I stood in the same spot. I didn't want to sit down or touch anything without his blessing.

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