Orphan: 21

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*One Month Later* *Jahod P.O.V*

   I walked outside of the doors behind everyone happy. I was happy because we finally graduated. I was so over this school and the people in it. I just was excited to be living my life regularly. Yiderah and I walked side by side as we chatted about finally being able to relax and breathe. I can't say this wasn't a stressful school year, but the month leading up to this made it all worthwhile.

" Bitch I cannot believe it's done. Do you not know how much beauty rest I can catch up on? " She spoke excitedly, pulling on my arm like a third grader.

     I looked at her with a stern expression so she would let go, but of course she ignored my look. " I just wanted to say this experience did not help me be more open to new people. "

" I think you grew a lot in the time allotted. Especially after all that shit Arshon did... "

     " Ugh don't remind me... " I stated placing my hand up. " He's a pussy. Why would you transfer knowing good and well we had beef? "

" I tried to tell you, but I remember weren't you the one that was all like... 'He isn't the same. People are messy. And so forth bitch?' "

     " I already admitted that you were right. What I will not do is keep saying it. You will deal with what you were given. "

" Uh huh. " She waved me off.

     We continued walking on. We did the usual graduation routine. You talk about how much you're gonna miss the bitch you only spoke to twice out of the entire school year, and exchange numbers only to never use it. Yeah. That routine. Once we reached the outside of the auditorium I nudged Yiderah as she was on her phone.

" Make sure you shoot me a text when you make it home. I want to go hang out. If you ever get free time."

    She pulled the phone away from her head. " Okay boo. Talk to you soon. " She side hugs me and I walk ahead.

    I step out to search for my Dad and the rest of my family. I look around seeing the over populated crowd hugging and congratulating their loved ones. I spot Cashè's flamboyantly red hair jump waving me over. I squeeze my way through the tightly packed bodies and make it near my family. I approach as my aunts and uncles give me a job well done. I was just waiting on the gifts to be placed in my hand.

" How do you feel ? " Cashè asks, pulling away from our photo.

     " Overwhelmed, excited, glad it's over and done mostly. " I stated taking off my cap.

" Put it back on. " Dad demanded. " I want to get a family photo with everyone. "

    I slid the cap back on grouping up with different combinations of family members to take a photo. I am more so ready to get out of this hot ass sun. We were on the last family photo with all of us. My little cousin was going to take the picture. We all bundled up together.

" Say cheese on three. " He smirked.

     " Joey don't be childish. Snap the picture. I'm tired of fake smiling now. " I joked.

" One... Two... " He counted.

     Right when he got to three and snapped the photo I looked off into the distant because something was telling me too. Far off in a corner I spotted Orphan staring directly at me. I stretched my neck to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. He flashed me a smile and a nod. I swear I am dreaming. It's been a while since I heard about him since he left. Dad avoids bring him up as much as possible.

" JAHOD ! You messed up the picture by looking off. " Grandma badgered, slapping my arm.

     " My bad granny. " I replied, rubbing my arm.

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