Orphan: 13

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" Come in. Come in. " Yiderah's mother, Yama, says.

I stepped in with my bag as quickly as I could. The winds were blowing super hard outside. I was freezing my behind off. " Thank you. Lord that was intense. " I said, blowing into my hands..

She tightened her robe around her, and looked out the window. " How long were you out there? "

" Oh only about two hours. " I said, sarcastically. I really was out here for a while though.

" Boy well Yiderah told you she wasn't home yet, and I was sleep with my door closed. " She said walking past me into the kitchen.

" Excuses Mama Yama. " I laugh, following behind her.

" It's the truth. What makes you come over anyways? " She asked, looking into the refrigerator.

I sighed and sat onto the stool near the bar of the kitchen. " I didn't want to be at home alone. "

She pursed her lips together and looked around. " Isn't your brother there? "

" He isn't my brother. " I say, taking off my shoes.

" Child he's been with your family for months. He's your brother. " She turns and goes over towards the sink.

" If you say so mama. I don't view him as a brother to me. We barely even have discussions. " I explain.

" He's a sweet boy. " She smiles. " I remember one time he helped me out at the grocery store. He put my bags in my car for me, but he wouldn't accept a tip. "

" You heard him speak? " I ask, fascinated.

" Nope. " she shook her head. " Funny part is he popped up out of no where. He helped me out, I offered him a tip, he shook his head no, and left. "

I stare at her with an eyebrow raised. " Well that's something. " I responded.

" Well you can make yourself at home. I'm getting back in my bed since this is my only off day. "

" I don't blame you. " I laughed at I watched her walk up the stairs.

" Oh. " She peeked her head from the side of the stairs. " When Yiderah gets here open the door for her. "

" Okay. "

Once she walked off up the stairs, I turned off the kitchen light, and went to sit on the porch. Once I opened the door, Yiderah was walking up the porch.

She leaned her head back and looked at me. " How you get in my house ho? You got a spare key somewhere? "

I scrunched up my face at her. " Girl. Your mother opened the door for me. "

" Did she? " She said walking past me into the house. " I'm going to have a discussion with her about that. "

I just stared at her with my resting bitch face. She's so damn dumb at times. " So where you been? "

" I'm not about to tell you all my tea... " She said, smiling. " Bitch. "

" I think you have one more fucking time... " I start, placing one finger in the air. " To call me a bitch. "

She sides eyes me and smiles. " Bitch... " She says and I stand up. " Is that what you want? Is that what you want from me Jahod? "

" You play too much. " I mush her in the face, and she grabs my arm.

" Anyways. " She released my arm and walked up the stairs.

I followed behind her. Once we got upstairs in her room. I sat down on her bed as I watched her get settled with herself. " You ready to listen? " I asked, after a while of her moving about.

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