Orphan: 31

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I laid there watching Orphan sleep. His arm was thrown over my hip as his chest went up and down gently. I kissed his forehead, and sat up looking for my underwear. The rain had finally ceased after we both climaxed. That was weird but not unusual at this point. I slid on my underwear, and crawled out of the tent. I looked back at him sleeping then I zipped up the tent again. Once I stood to my feet I stretched my arms.

I walked over towards the canteen to get me some water. The moonlight shined down brightly over the ocean. I made my way over towards the hill to get a better view. The waves were peaceful, crashing against the land. I felt like it was calling to me. I looked to my right and seen a small hill that led down towards the shore. I walked back towards the tent. I opened the tent back up to see Orphan snuggling a pillow. I grabbed my shirt and shoes quietly. I placed on my clothes and shoes after zipping back up the tent and made my way towards the shore.

I walked down the hills towards the water. The way the moonlight shines down onto the water was so serene. I can honestly admit this is the most serene I have ever felt in a while. I took of my shirt, and lowered my shorts. I began walking into the water. The cold water made me shiver a little. I kept going until I was completely covered. I motioned my arms back and forth allowing the liquid to push against my arms.

" Peaceful isn't it. "

" Ahh! " I screamed turning and splashing water onto Orphan's face.

He laughed and wiped the water from his eyes. " Did I scare you? "

" No... " I lied.

He pouted his lips.

" Just a little. You were sleeping so good. I didn't want to wake you. " I explained.

" When are you going to understand that I'm going to be by your side until the end? " He says, swimming closer to me.

" You say that like you know what the future holds. " I wrap my arms around his neck as the waves move us.

" True enough... " He looked away. " You don't understand that what we did just sealed our fate together Jahod. " He looked back into my eyes.

I nervously looked away. " So this was meant to be? "

He turned my head back towards him. " All of this brought us closer. I say it was. I loved being inside you Jahod. It felt so welcoming. "

I laughed a little. " Well... I don't get that often. "

" I was going to have you whether you realized it or not. " He admitted.

" Oh so you just gonna do it like that? " I giggled.

" Jahod... " He said and sighed. " I've been around for a long time. "

" I do want to apologize for how I treated you in the beginning. It' s just so much more I need to learn about you. I feel like you have been saving me from so much... " I admitted.

" You're protecting me just as much Jahod. You really don't realize it. " He responded.

His hand traveled to my butt cheeks. Even in this water he's still very touchy. I put my hand on his butt and he grabbed it quickly.

" No. " He stated, firmly. He took my hand and placed it on his manhood. " This is yours. "

I burst out laughing. I know he didn't just tell me I couldn't touch his booty. I was gripping it while we were having sex. We both got quiet for a second. He continued to stare at me in deep thought. For some reason I get really self conscious when people stare at me.

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