Orphan: 26

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I continued to swim as much as I could towards land. My arms were getting tired and the water was splashing in every direction. It stopped raining, but the ice was still forming causing my body temperature to slowly begin to drop. I've never been wet this long. No pun intended. This water was ruthless. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere.

I suddenly heard a loud slam followed by the ice cracking in various areas. I turned around in the water seeing Orphan standing there with a dead lock onto Top Hat guy. His eyes were a color I have seen before. They were dark per usual with a fiery red and yellow glow around them. I could see passion and hatred fill his eyes as he stared at his enemy. His head slowly looked towards my direction.

This wasn't my normal feeling I felt from Orphan. It didn't feel like he wanted to bring harm to me, or he wanted to cause any damage. It honestly felt like he was protecting me like he has this whole time. He raised his head and the waves conjured pushing me closer to the other side without much resistance. I reached near the docks of the other side of the resort. I climbing up the rusty ladder, pulling myself onto the dock.

I laid on my back staring up at the swirling cloud catching my breath. All of this cannot be real. I remembered Orphan was on the other side of the lake. I stood to my feet watching the face off between these two mysterious men. I was intrigued to say the least. I felt helpless but the rage I could see in Orphan's eyes reassured me of his strength. Orphan began to take slow steps towards the guy.

In the blink of an eye a battle ensued between the two. I was amazed to be seeing with my own eyes what was taking place. Orphan swung towards the guy punching him halfway across the lake. The way his opponent's body flipped on the water was brutal. The guy stood with a chuckle running back across the lake towards Orphan. I was more so amazed that they were fighting on top of the water without a care in the world.

Like clockwork as soon as the dark bodied villain reached Orphan his body sunk into the water. I watched on as Top Hat guy stood looking around confused. The waves started to get more volatile causing the docks to shake. I looked down stepping back trying my hardest not to lose my footing. I could tell this wooden structure was about to collapse. Everything started to break and crack. I hauled ass from my spot and ran onto land.

In the distance I could see Orphan's body rise from the water catching the guy by surprise. Both of them shot up into the sky as Orphan was holding this dark figure with one hand. The clouds above me rumbled with thunder and bright strobes of light shot across within seconds of the noise. The buzz of electricity hit one the nearby tree's starting a bright fire. I looked around me as the fire began to spread rapidly. I felt the need to look back to Orphan who was staring at me from his place in the sky.

" Run. " His deep voice spoke as a sudden movement of Top hat guy's hand caught Orphan by surprise.

Both of their bodies fell from the sky at a pace which my own eyes would allow me to see. The force of both of their bodies slamming into the water causing a huge tsunami like wave. I look in horror as I took off running into the dark foreboding forest. This cannot be real life. I took off trying to escape the melee behind me. It felt like I was on an island desolate from society being hunted. I bumped into a tree falling on my back. I blacked out closing my eyes and holding back a cry from the astounding pain.

I opened my eyes again and looked up seeing a dog hovering over me. It began licking my face and eyes as I moved my head mushing it away. It came back again drooling over me. I move to the side and sat up in a daze. The air was eerily still. I stood to my feet noticing the dig was still staring up at me with his to flapping with his every breath.

" Where did you come from boy? " I ask rubbing the top of his head. He rose and started to whimper. I looked at him confused. " I don't have any treats for you. " I sighed.

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