Orphan: 32

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I stepped inside the house just viewing the destruction in front of me. I looked all around seeing broken glass, papers thrown everywhere, ripped furniture, and flipped tables. Glass crackled under my feet as I looked down seeing even more of the mess that was created. I was at a loss for words. I could believe all of this could happens it such a short amount of time. I didn't expect these few months to be like this but it has been a trial.

Orphan shut the door behind us as we both looked at the messy rooms. It looked like they left in a hurry. I really hope they are safe. I picked up a few papers that were spread in the ground. I looked over them seeing several equations, and various type of words that I didn't understand. I just threw the papers down, and burst into a fit of tears. I collapsed onto the ground.

I just don't understand why it has to be us. Why did it have to be me? Why couldn't I just be a normal cliché teen living a normal life? Orphan squatted near me in an embrace. I placed my arm over his as he rocked us back and forth. The worst part of it all was not knowing what would happen next. Orphan pulled me away to wipe my tears.

" Baby listen. It's not the end for us. " He tried to reassure me.

" How are you so sure? " I asked looking into his eyes.

" Because J. I'm your protector. You protect me. I'm going to work this out for us. You just have to trust me. " He explained.

I shook my head in frustration. It's really annoying. He stood up and reach his hand out. I looked up at him, and grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and held onto my hand. I don't know why but a part of me couldn't help but blame him. I know he senses it himself. He turned my head towards him, and we shared a kiss. I pulled away from the kiss a little early.

He stood placing his hands into his pockets. Even he can't help me in this moment. I really just wanted to be alone. I began to walk further into the living room towards the kitchen. I hear Orphan moving behind me, but I didn't look back. I entered the kitchen seeing the cabinets opened, broken plates scattered on the floor, and the back door hanging off the hinge. I'm really not sure just how safe this house is, but I have no where else to go.

I grabbed a bag from under the cabinet and started to clean. The house was so quiet. All I had to relieve me was my thoughts. I could only speculate what happened while I was up in the woods playing house. To make matters worse I feel as if Dad knew this was going to happen. His and Cashe's behavior when I left should've given it all away. After the whole slowdown between Orphan and Nehphir I'm sure this is all over. For now.

" Hey Jahod... " Orphan called to me. I didn't look up at him. I grabbed the broom and began to sweep up the scattered debris. " I'm going to step out for a while. I know you want space. Keep the doors locked. I'll be back. Will you be fine? "

" Okay. " I didn't have much to say to him leaving. Maybe it's for the best. He turned on his heels to leave. I looked up after he left and sighed. The front door closed quietly, and I knew then he was gone. I resumed sweeping up the clutter. I placed it all into the bag tying it up before it burst. I sat the bag off towards the side, and entered into the garage.

I felt around for the light before I went in. I switched it on noticing barely anything in here was touched. I was only in here to find some planks of wood to nail the back door shut. I searched around until I spotted just what I was looking for. I picked up three boards and grabs the nails out of the toolbox. I went back into the house to sit the boards onto the counter. I needed the hammer so I ran back into the garage to grab it.

I searched around for the last place I saw it. I spotted it and grabbed it up. I start to play with it in my hands. I walked back into the house, and shut the door. When I turned around I stopped. The back door was wide open and the bag full of trash was outside near the dump. I looked around me as I walked towards the door. Each step I took seemed to be slower than the next. I got to the backdoor and peeked out.

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