Orphan: 35

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* Orphan P.O.V *

     I walked the streets in the shadows. The roads were quiet, and I couldn't sense any movements. I noticed my surroundings, cars were parked, but no movement was happening. I stuffed my hands continuing my walk. Something was wrong. I could usually feel and see when something was about to happen. Only this time was different. I went behind a nearby bush, so I could transport without being seen.

     I transported myself in front Jahod's friend Yiderah's home. Listening in on his thoughts I know he was missing his friend. If she could help put his mind at ease then I wanted to be the one to 'persuade' her to talk to him. I looked around me feeling someone watching me. I kept myself on high alert. I walked up the stairs to her home. The stairs creak with each step I make. I look around the door not noticing anything out of the ordinary.

     Once I reach the door I look into her window. There was still no movements. The house still looked intact. Out of the corner if my eye I see something run past. I go down the stairs towards the side of her house. I unlock the gate surrounding her house. When I walk back I see someone sitting on the stairs. His smug expression stared at me as I eased around the corner.

" Nice to see you again. " He smirked.

     I walked up to him, and grabbed him up by his shirt. His body was dangling off the ground as I stared at him. I wanted to yank his head off, but it would be again my good nature to do so. Anger ran hot through my veins. He looked at me with an un-bothered expression.  All I could think of was how many times I tried to get him out the picture. He always seemed to weasel his way back in..

" Would you mind putting me down? You're wrinkling up my shirt. " He tapped, my hand.

     I eased up and released him as his feet planted back on the ground. He dusted himself off then straightened up his clothes. I stepped back looking him up and down. " What are you doing back here? "

" Oh I was just in the neighborhood. " He shrugged.

     " You've went against every single thing we have planned. " I state crossing my arms. " Tell me why I shouldn't end you where you sit? "

He cackled loudly. " I don't understand why you're so upset. I did what you said. I protected Jahod to the best of my ability. "

     " Is that what you called protecting him? " I restated. " I said look out for him. You took it upon yourself to go off course with everything. "

" Enlighten me. "

     " You had sex with what belongs to me. You came back after I took you away. You disrespected me by forming a relationship with him. " I explained.

" Dude you came last year. I did what I was supposed to, but Jahod was too irresistible. "

      " Watch it Randolph. " I growled.

" I figured the only way to really keep up with him is to get with him first hand. I didn't intend on us having sex, or him falling for me. "

      " You got locked up. " I added. " That wasn't smart considering. "

" Minor setback. " He shrugged. " I like trouble. "

     " I took the engine out of your car because you were becoming a liability. That was the hint for you to disappear. Instead you came back trying to persuade him that I was the bad guy. "

" You do know that since you've made it known about your connection to Jahod. More has happened to him now than when I was with him. "

     " Yet Namos and Nephir managed to steal your form and lure him away. " I argued. " What about at the carnival? "

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