Orphan: 27

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I awoke the next day to Orphan sitting in a chair next to the bed I was sleeping in. He was sleeping so stiff like. The room was all white and cold as a freezer. I stared at him as I listened to the heart monitor beside me beep steadily. I tried to speak and call his name but it was almost as if I couldn't.

" Shh. I know you're up. " Orphan said, still with his eyes closed.

How did he know? He looked in a dead uncomfortable sleep.

" You know I can hear your every thought right? " His eyes opened staring at me with the same look he had when I first tried to talk to him.

He stood to his feet and handed me a cup of water. I drunk it and cleared my throat. He hovered over me, and took the cup away from my hand. I watched as he sat the cup down, and went back to his seat wiping his face. He sat back and entwined his fingers together. So is he just going to be quiet the whole time?

" What happened? " I asked, moving my sleeping legs under the sheets.

" You passed out. " He said, almost as he is used to it. How sway?

" Okay... " I stared. " Why did I pass out? "

" Because you broke you ankle. Your bone was out. I brought you here so you can get it healed. " He explained.

I looked around again then at the door as some girl came in with a metal pan with some antibiotic cream on it, and some form of wrap. She walked over to my bedside and sat the pan down. I started at Orphan then back at her as she began to remove my leg from under the sheets.

" Um excuse me... " I spoke after nobody saying anything. She and Orphan looked at me. " Yeah what are you doing? You don't look like you know a thing about anything medicinal. "

" Jahod. " Orphan called like that was supposed to scare me.

" Looks can be deceiving. " She spoke, and began to unwrap my foot.

Did she just issue a read ?

" Jahod can you please stop asking so many questions. Please. For me. Just relax. " Orphan pleaded.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. She removed the wrap around my legs and I see red a little at the pain that shot through my thigh at her moving it. She chuckled a little and continue to unravel the wrap. I wanted to 'Accidentally ' kick her ass in the face for purposely hurting my foot. I looked down at my leg after she was finished unwrapping it, and noticed a big bruise on my ankle.

She went to her pan and grabbed some of the antiseptic cream smearing it lightly on my leg. The cool substance tickled my leg a bit which made me laugh. After she was done with that she began wrapping my ankle up again. I exhaled loudly because I couldn't take another minute. She gathered up her things and exited the room. Orphan stood up and came over to the bed. I scooted over a little making room for him to sit.

" You alright? " I asked him, grabbing his hand.

" I should be asking you... " He smiled. " Thank you Jahod. "

I smirked a little. " For what? "

" For just being there. I'm glad you were there for me. I feed off of your strength. " He admitted.

" You welcome... " I chuckled. " But you know we still have to talk about all of this. I'm still lost as to why am I the target and what it is that you're wrapped up in. "

" Let's worry about getting you on your feet first babe. That chat can wait. " He answered.

I shrugged, and nodded.

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