Orphan: 25

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I remained in my position under the bed. The fear surging through my body was surreal. The shoes raised from their standing, and began to enter the cabin. I maintained control of my breathing as the thuds of walking made it's way around. The thunder and downpour of rain pattered against the walls and window. I stared at the open doorway as my only form of escape. I held my phone tightly in my hands as I moved it slow to place it in my pocket.

The intruder slowly edged towards the bathroom. As the person went in that direction I slid from under the bed cautiously. Trying to not make even the littlest of noise I push myself from my position tip toeing towards the door on my hands and knees. As I reached the door the sound of the floorboard squeaked lowly but I know the person heard it. I could tell it was the stature of a man.

He turned around narrowing two red eyes on me that I'm used to seeing on Orphan, yet this wasn't him. The man started to sprint in my direction as I took off outside of the door. The pelting rain wasn't enough to stop me. As I ran splashes of water moistened my clothes. I heard no matter behind me, but I didn't look back. I continued to run until the man jumped out in front of me.

His eyes were no longer red but no little white orbs. He slowly inched towards me. I walked backwards with each step he took. " Are you scared? " He spoke. The deep tone of his voice vibrating through my ears.

" No. " I stated firmly.

Like clockwork he appeared in my face without even moving if that makes sense. He was close to my ear. The hotness of his breath grazing my neck. " How about now? "

I pushed him back and took off again. " Help! Help me! " I screamed running towards different rooms in the resort. I approached some rooms and began beating on the doors. Nobody came to my rescue. I looked behind me seeing him walking at a steady pace as if not even affected by the rain. " Open the fucking door! " I yelled, beating on the door frantically.

Realizing that no one would come to help I took off again. I should've participated more in gym class I swear it. My eyes were burning from the water getting in my eyes, but I couldn't stop. I spotted a cabin with an open door. Odd... But I need some sort of solace. I made my way for cabin the rushing inside, and slamming the door shut. My panting was heavy as I slid down trying to get my energy back up.

I stood to my feet and placed my ear to the door. I could hear nothing. I eased my way towards the side of the door to look out of the window. Those same eyes were standing in the rain staring at the cabin. How the hell is he finding me? I moved away from the window placing my back against the door. I could hear footsteps walking up to the door. I began looking around the cabin for something to grab to hit him with. A hanger... No that would break. A shoe... No! Come on Jahod think.

The door pushed open as I used my back to shut it back. He pushed up on it again using the same force causing me to stumble forward again. I closed the door once more. I could hear his footsteps descend down the stairs. I knew what possibly was about to happen so I quickly grabbed the scissors that I laid my eyes on. I jumped on the side of the door as I heard fast paced running towards the door.

The door was literally knocked down. Once he rammed his body through the door. I took the scissors and swung them towards his chest piercing it. He yelled out in pain and fell down. I was about to run past him when he grabbed my leg causing me to fall. My head collided with the floor as he dragged my body back towards him. He got on top of my wrapping his hands around my neck.

I mustered what little strength I had left to grab his arms to pry them away. The feeling on my hands were wrinkled and scaly. This was no human. This was a demon in human makeup. I could feel the nails from the monster digging into my neck. I was losing oxygen as it applied pressure to my neck larynx. I punched it in the arms feeling myself fading out.

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