Orphan: 19

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A/N: I changed the character of Jahod because I feel like this boy fits his attitude, look, and sass so much better. You all should be able to imagine Jahod has a natural pouty face.

I awoke to the sounds of light snoring in my ear. I looked behind me, and Orphan was sleeping peacefully. His arm was placed under his head, and his lips was slightly parted. I tried to sit up, but his left arm was wrapped over my waist. He pulled me closer to him as I moved. I tried it again, and he nuzzled his face into my neck. It was obvious he wasn't going to release me. I turned my body towards him, and we were face to face. Desperate times calls for desperate measures...

I took my pinky finger, and stuck it up his nose. He blew out and swiped my hand away. I got up from the bed, and stood by the window with my arms crossed. He sat up and stretched. I know he wasn't in my bed without a shirt on. I bit my lip a little as I watched how his mucles flex when he moved. This boy has the body of a God. I shook the naughty thought out of my head because he has some answering to do.

" Why would you do that? " He asks, wiping his nose.

" Why are you in my bed? " I shoot back.

" You fell out so dramatically last night I figured I would sleep here with you to make sure you woke up. "

" I didn't fall out. " I argue.

" You fainted. " He laughs. " I would consider that falling out. "

Orphan don't patronize me right now. I need you to explain to me what happened last night. "

He sat back on my headboard and looked at me. " You don't remember. "

" If I did me asking you would be pointless now wouldn't it. "

" I can tell you... " He smiled. " After I take a shower. "

" Are you serious. " I huff.

" Yep. " He says throwing the covers off of him. He stood up and I couldn't help but admire his butt in those pajama bottoms.

Once he left out of my room I fell onto my bed, and screamed into my pillow. Whilst I was doing that my phone began vibrating followed by my ringtone. I lifted up my pillow to find it. I looked at the screen to see who was calling and it was Yiderah. I was debating on should I answer this devious bitch. I voted for it.

" What? " I answered.

" Oh my god. Are you alright? " She asked, fake caring.

" Oh you actually care to know? Considering you and Arshon both disappeared. "

" Hold up... Let's redirect. " She snaps. " I didn't do anything. I specifically remember telling you Arshon was shady. "

" And yet you ran off with the shady friend. "

" Sweetheart would you like to know what's really T with your friend? "

I stand up and pace the room. " Enlighten me. "

" Okay. When Orphan asked to talk to you alone I walked back towards the food stands. I was standing there looking at y'all talk, or do whatever it is you two were doing. All of sudden I seen those boys sneaking up on you and Orphan. I called out to you, but somebody put their hand around my mouth. I could see everybody scattering, and I was trying to get a loose. I got dragged back to where the bathrooms were... Shall I go on? "

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