Orphan: 7

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I laid in my bed patiently waiting for that text from Rallo. It was now going on 9 o'clock at night. Rallo and I talked about this during the day. I don't know what is so wrong with my choice in dudes. I put them off for a long time and the first guy I let back into my life stands me up. Just like... Orphan said. I hated to admit this but Orphan was right. How does he know? How did he know it would happen? I guess I should've know it as well. .

Rallo was never my rock even when we had our stint together. If I'm not your first choice I refuse to be your second option. To say I was disappointed would be a huge understatement. I feel used, let down, and unappreciated. I also feel dumb because I actually kept my clothes on until now. I'm the type of person that doesn't get dressed until I hear you honking outside to be sure you're coming.

I stood up and took off my adidas joggers. I kept on my shirt and just slid on some black jogging pants and my nike slides. I don't like the feeling of being played. I truthfully feel like I only agreed to go out to make Orphan jealous which I don't know succeeded or not. I laid in bed scrolling through random twitter feeds. Until I got a knock at my door.

"Come in..." I say, lowly. Not really in the mood of talking to anybody.

The door opened and in walked Cashè with some Chinese food. I hate when people piss me off then butter me up with food. However, the gesture is surely appreciated. She walks over to the bed, and hands me my platter.

"You still mad at me?" She asks.

"Not at this moment." I tell her and she smiles.

"Come on Jahod. It wasn't that deep. I'm on your side just looking out for you." She nudges me a little.

"I get that but I feel like you have to allow me to make my own bad choices to learn from them." I explain, sitting up to open my food.

"You're right but if Dad is clearly telling you Orphan is dangerous. Us telling you to stay away won't make it better so I'll just say be careful." She pats my leg.

"Anyways..." I take a bite of my braised wings. "Rallo stood me up."

She does a fake gasp. "Did he? Wow this is so shocking. Stop the presses Rallo stood you up. That's new." She laughs.

I glare at her. "You don't have to be so shady towards me."

"Well. You know the type of guy he is. Watch he comes up with some lame ass excuse as to why he did it." She says.

"Nah, He's gonna tell the truth. It's just gonna piss me off." I tell her looking over at my phone.

"More than he already has?" She asks.

"Get your ass out my room!" I point to the door, so she could exit.

She laugh. "You kicking me out now..." She stands up and walks to the door. "But I'll be back. I'll be back again." She closes my door.

I shake my head at her stupidity. I close my food up and place it on my nightstand. I had suddenly lost my appetite. I pick up my phone and press the home button. Now new calls from Rallo. I sigh and place my phone on the charger. I can say I was depressed. I turn my light off and lay down in the dark. I rub my side as I could remember Orphan's touch that night he was in my bed. It's strange I'm growing an attraction to someone I barely know. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. I was to tired for the day....


I'm awoken to something hitting my window repeatedly. I jump up and look around the room. I knew I wasn't going crazy. The noise sounded off again. I threw my covers off of me, and jumped out of bed. I walked over to my window, and looked out. I see Rallo waving his hands. I shoot a bird at him and close my cutmrtain. The fuck he thought. I got back in my bed, and laid my ass back down. I closed my eyes when my ringer started going off. I looked up to the ceiling and groaned. Why does life suck so bad? I grab my phone and answer it.

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