Orphan: 29

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* Cashè POV *

As we watch Jahod and Rallo pull off in the car. I stand with my hand over my mouth thinking. I was sad because he's my only brother and I hate to keep secrets from him. Once the car was out of sight I walk into the living room, and take a seat on the sofa. I placed my arms near my head using it for support. The TV wasn't on, and the house was quiet. There was a stillness in the air, and I was just waiting for some type of conversation to spark up.

" How you holding up? " Dad asked entering the loving room with a few folder in his hand.

I looked up at him then back down to the floor. " I'm alright I guess. "

He sat down with a grunt, tossing his papers on the table. " You don't sound alright. "

I sighed and adjusted myself in my seat. " I don't Dad. I hate being so secretive. "

" You shouldn't worry yourself so much. " He said, basically waving me off. " We've told him just as much as he should. "

" Hmm... " I mumbled. " So what's that you over there looking at? "

He looked up at me then back at his papers. " Nothing. Just a few documents. " He stated, fixing his glasses.

" Oh... " I leaned forward a bit. " Like what? "

He quickly closed the papers. " On a need to know Cashè. "

I sat back and crossed my arms. " I hate being the last to know things. "

" You're not sweetheart. I just rather you not know everything... " He explained. " For your safety. "

I just looked at him before standing up and going into the kitchen. I opened the fridge grabbing me a canned soda. I popped it open and walked back into the living room. Dad was reading into the papers again, and I decided against asking any questions about them again.

" I'm surprised you let him go away with Rallo. " I spoke, after taking a sip.

He scoffed. " He was gonna defy me if I said no. "

" I agree but still to let him go without much of a fight? That's not like you. " I protested.

" I can tell that boy keeps him distracted from asking about Bud. Jahod gets to persistent with his questions at times. It's a nice change of pace. " He explained.

" Where did you take him anyways? " I asked, crossing my arms.

" I left him with a close friend of mines. He's in good hands. " He nodded.

" I hope so for Jahod's sake. " I shrugged.

" You have nothing to worry about. I have it under control. " He smiled, briefly.

" Daddy why couldn't we just tell him the truth about Orphan. I feel like that would give a sigh of relief. "

He slammed the papers down. " Damn it Cashè! " He exclaimed, " I don't need to be bomarded with questions from you. Jahod doesn't need to know anything. He's not in any immediate danger. I wouldn't put my son's life in jeopardy. "

" You sure about that? " I shot back.

He huffed and gathered his papers. He stood to his feet and walked up, more so, stomped up the stairs. I scoffed at his reaction to me just being concerned. I could hear his door shut followed by his footsteps creaking above me. I stood to my feet and walked to the door. I opened it and went out towards my car. I unlocked the doors, and got inside. Once I started it up I was off down the road.

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