Orphan: 3

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     The next few days have been the worst. I felt myself succumbing to sickness. I don't know why, but I guess this was my punishment for me going into Orphan's room. I've gone to school regularly, but once I get home I get straight to my bed. Cashè wanted to come home and care for me. I declined her offer because I'm a big boy. I just needed proper rest and some good soup. I decided to get up and walk around the house.

     I slid on my house shoes and went towards my door. Once I opened it up, I began walking through the dim hallway. I didn't care to see Orphan today. My only intent was to get better. Dad has been awfully distant from the house lately. Do I care as much about that? Meh. Not really. Once I get downstairs I sprawl out on the sofa. My back and neck were killing me. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels. The rain had finally started outside.

     The pitter patter of the rain against the house was soothing. I found my eyes getting heavy, and my body becoming more relaxed. I've been so tense lately that I began to doze off. I soon after went to sleep. I started to have dreams of some very dark and disturbing things revolving Orphan. I felt myself getting hot on the outside which caused me to start fidgeting in my sleep. It was one event in my dream in particular that I cannot describe but it caused me to wake up.

     I sat up on the sofa and instantly felt my soaked shirt. I pulled the fabric from my skin and threw it on the floor. I got up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to splash some water on my face and get some orange juice. I grab my glass and pour the juice inside of the glass. I felt so much better after that sleep. I think I sweated out the sickness. I think. I hear the front door close, and I automatically assume it's dad.

     I drink the rest of my Orange Juice, and exit from the kitchen. When I walk inside the living room I spot a doll. Not just any doll. A weird, ugly, horrendous little thing. The eyes were kind of like a light green sort of resembling Orphan's. My heart beat started to speed up. Have you ever had a doll in your house but felt like was watching your every move? In this instance, that's what I was feeling. I examine the doll from a distance afraid to even get close to it.

     I see Orphan come down the stairs, and I stare him down. He walks past me and into the kitchen. I look at the doll once more, and I swear it winked at me. I rushed into the kitchen behind Orphan.

"Orphan what the fuck is that thing in there?" I scold him once I reach the kitchen.

     He continues to pull his materials out of his book bag. He ignores me at every chance he gets and I'm sick of it.

     "ORPHAN!" I yell slamming my hand down on the wooden table hard in an attempt to get his attention.

He didn't even flinch or jump. He stared down at my hand and slowly met my anger filled eyes.

     "Now I don't know what type of fucking planet you live in inside that head of yours but this shit..." I point back to the doll. The bitch got closer. "Is unacceptable. That thing in there needs not to be in my home. You're a guest here. It's a privilege not a right. Get rid of it." I demand. It honestly felt good to go off on him.

     He looked at me with an emotionless expression. If I wasn't crazy I would've thought it softened up a bit. He fixed his glasses on his perfect caramel face, and exited the kitchen. He grabbed the doll and went upstairs. Even after all of that he still decides to keep it in this house. I decide it was time for me to go before I swung on Orphan. I ran upstairs past his room to go to mines, and I glanced inside of his room in the process. He was sitting on the bed stroking her hair. What type of shit? I ignored the image I saw and went to change my clothes, grab my phone, and umbrella, so I could leave.

     Once I got my stuff, I went back onto the hallway. I walked past Orphan's door once more and glanced in. I had to back track when I saw something. Orphan and his doll was sitting on the side of the bed faced towards the door. I stood in the doorway, and stared between him and the doll. How much weirder can this dude get?

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