Orphan: 36

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*Jahod's P.O.V*

After he told me to be quiet I could hear several footsteps down the stairs. Helped me up as he crept to the door. He opened it slightly looking down seeing flashlights moving around. He closed the door quietly turning to me. " Your window has a slope outside of it right? "

" Yes. " I said looking him in the eyes.

He looked me over then looked at my leg. " I'm so sorry this happened to you. I need to wrap your leg again. "

" We don't have time. I'm fine. " I reassured him..

" You put up a hell of a fight babe. Can you walk on it? " He asks.

" I have no other choice. I'll wrap it first change I get. " I stop realizing what he said. " Wait how do you know what happened? "

" We're connected remember. I can see majority of the things you do. Remind me to scold you for coming in my room later. " He says.

I rolled my eyes feeling a sharp pain in my leg. " Ah. " I seethed, lowly.

" Grab my med kit from that drawer over there. " He directed..

I limped over towards his dresser drawer to grab what he told me to. I handed him the medic kit. " So what about my window? "

" We need to go out of it. " He suggested and I looked at him insane. " There is no other way. "

" Okay. " I complied as he opened the door quietly. He motioned for me to come on with him. I stepped slowly behind him. We tip toed down the hall to my room. The light flashed up the stairs signifying that they were coming. We reached my room quickly as he closed the door.

" Open the window. " He directed..

I did as he said with a quickness. I looked back and could see the lights outside of the door followed by muffled voices. I raised my window looking out of it. The rain was pounding the ground, and it was exceptionally dark outside. I kicked off the screen climbing through. I can only imagine what this will do to my hair. Once I was fully out I looked back at Orphan.

Someone tried to push my door open. Orphan pushed it back closed with his body. I was about climb back in to help him. He looked at me, and shook his head. He ran towards the window and began climbing out. I was helping him, but just then the door burst open. " They're in here! " Someone shouted. Orphan came completely out. We both looked at each other as we intertwined our hands. " Stop. " He shouted sending off gunshots as we both jumped to the ground.

" Shit. " He groaned as we hit the ground. " You felt that? " He asked. Once we touched down, and I dreaded the pain in my leg again.

I held in my loud screech that I wanted to released. Orphan looked at me worried. I motioned for us to continue to go. The lights started coming towards the back of the house. Orphan wrapped his arm over my torso, throwing my arm over his shoulder. We went towards the fence as he hoists me up. I climbed over it waiting for him to climb over afterwards. I looked up at the sky seeing the deep red color plaguing it.

 I looked up at the sky seeing the deep red color plaguing it

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