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12| Love You , Love Me Part 1

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12| Love You , Love Me Part 1



I was starting to really wonder what was going on with Genesis . I caught that she seemed a bit more on edge and that outburst in the bathroom was just completely out of her character . She was taking those pills . I laid out on my bed with my hand behind my head .

She had that funeral to attend today . I twisted my lips as I put two and two together . "Damn." I mumbled , sitting up.

I hope Genesis isn't abusing her drugs .

I went through my pocket , going to Raheem's contact . Only they would know for sure or find out considering she stayed with them recently. I dialed the number .

"I know .. I know you ain't calling me." He said blankly as he answered . I ran my hand down my face .

"Listen man , I ju--" he cut me off.

"Nigga I don't like you , fuck off my line."

"It's about Genesis." I blurted . It was quiet but I didn't hear the dial tone so I assume he didn't hang up .

" Have she been getting refills on her prescription? I need you to check the room she was in." I said .


"I think she might be abusing her prescription drugs from all  she's probably been dealing with."

"Nigga bye." He hung up , I huffed as I got up , throwing a coat on .


As King was getting dressed to find Genesis , Raheem went roaming through the guest room . I don't see anything , Raheem thought just as King went downstairs .

"I'll be back. Watch Kassidy ." King stated to Tyrell as he grabbed his keys , leaving from the house .

Raheem went on going into the bathroom , looking into the trash can . He bent down , taking out the two empty pill bottles , clenching his jaw .

"Imma beat her ass." Raheem gritted as he noticed both dates the prescriptions were filled were recent up to only a month for both .

He put both empty bottles into his pocket as he went out the guest room , grabbing a jacket and his keys as his mind drifted to going to Genesis's apartment to wait until she arrived . Meanwhile King hopped in his car , driving off heading towards a flower shop near him .

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