Chapter 1

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Dearest Diary,

I remember the day Mom bought you.

It was a regular day in sunny California which I live in, BTW when she came home with a large shopping back claiming she had a present for me.

"Theia I have a back to 'high' school gift for you!" She used quotations on the word high because I was just about to become a freshman.

Personally, I thought it was a phone. But NOOO my mom doesn't understand anything about kids my age.

I excitedly rush over to the bag and peek inside only to have the excitement deflate from me.

Inside was a purple book. I looked through all the pages and noticed that they were all blank.

"You got me a blank notebook? I already got my notebooks earlier this week, mom." I said and my mom just smiled.

"I know sweetheart, but this is no ordinary notebook. It's a diary." She explained. "I thought that since you're entering high school you could write down all the juicy stuff that goes on!"

My mouth just dangled open for a few minutes, before I put on a forced smile and thanked her.

Do you know what I did first, diary? I threw it in the trash.

But then I thought I couldn't let such a pretty book go to a waist so I decided to write in you.

You've come in pretty handy so give yourself a pat on the back!

*pats diary awkwardly.*

Anyways, tenth grade started about two weeks ago, and so far it's not looking like it's going to e a good year.

First of all, a new girl moved to town and she acts like a queen B. Bitch alert!

And, turns out I was correct as always. She is now leader of the school and all the boys and girls worship her.

Except for me and my best friend Laine. Laine is the only other person in the school that hates her.

And when you and someone else hate the same person, it's automatically and instant friendship.

Have you ever wondered what's it's like to be in love, diary?

I have. Of course I would've thought that every sixteen year old would. But NOOO.

Most of the girls in my school don't know what the hell love is. All they know is SEX SEX SEX.

But I doth think I'm in love, diary.

But I won't reveal him yet. For now I have to do something called chores.

Just remember how lucky you are that you don't have to do them.

XOXO Theia


Hey guys!

So what do you think so far? I know it's not very interesting but I assure you it gets better!

I have great plans for this book and tons of ideas!

Don't forget to get that vote button and comment any thoughts and opinions!

See you next time.


Diary of a Love Sick Teenage GirlWhere stories live. Discover now